10|S A T U R D A Y D E T E N T I O N

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There were 8 separate tables,one for each of us to space out on,one sitting in one chair,miss one then the next,it all went in order.

|Lily  |.        |Sierra|.        |Loren|.       |Hermione|.          |

Of course,the Professor had to separate Lily and Loren,since we bruised each other,well Lily had a black eye,as Loren had a dark,red mark in the side of her cheek,that was more noticeable as Lily's bruised eye,even though it was very pale,and Loren's.......well it was very clear.

Then 4 boys walked in,with a green tie.
"Ah,Mr Black,Malfoy,Avery and Mulciber, join these 4 girls,Mr Black,sit in between Miss Evans,and Sierra McVoy please.Malfoy,in between Miss McVoy and Miss Haydes,Avery between Miss Haydes,and Miss Hermione Anderson.And Mulciber,on the end."

Malfoy cleared his throat,his lips tugging up like Avery's,Mulciber's and Regulus's.
"If you don't mind,Professor McGonagall,why are the 'Gryffindors' here,isn't Evan's supposed to be like the goo-"

"Malfoy,they are in because Miss Haydes bruised Miss Evan's eye,and Miss Evan cut deeply"McGonagall started,looking over at Lily,"into Miss Haydes cheek,and they are both lucky,not to be losing an eye,at the damage each-one of them did"

The boys covered there smirks and laughs,with a cough and a grin.
Sighing,Loren asked,"So....what are we doing,if you don't mind-"
"Well,Miss Haydes,you are going to write  an 1000 word essay,on why you are here,I'll be just the room opposite."

Loren groaned,as Lily and Sierra passed round sheets,Loren stood up ,7 hours later.
"Your not supposed to get up from your-"started Lily,and Loren interrupted her,rolling her eyes,and scoffing grabbing her wand,"Try to stop me,I don't care your a bloody smarty pants"

Walking and sitting in the window-sill,Malfoy joined her,"What are you doing,Haydes?"
Loren ignored him, and carved in her initials,that were clear,and after she finished,and Malfoy realized that he wasn't going to get an answer any time soon

Of course,when she turned round,the only  person doing the 1000 word essay in why we were here,was Lily Evans.She scoffed,as Sierra and Hermione  and Loren after muffled  their laughs,Lily turned round,seeing...

Everyone getting on with their work,once she turned back round to do her work,Sierra nearly cried of laughter on Loren's shirt.


Hii,I'm sorry for the short chapter I've been trying to update my other books...Also,I've seen how many readers I've got altogether in ALL of my books,not just this one,and I have atleast more than 1000,and I want to say,I only have 10- 9 now,followers,and I'm like 'what?" If I have a 1000 readers,why do I have nine followers,so if ur one of those that aren't following me yet,please do to see my other books!xx
Love mee,xx 24|11|18

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