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Number 2 wanted to stay hidden in the corner
He wanted to not be seen. Never ever, ever
He wanted to not be in the light
He killed himself with his own fright

He had always never wanted to be seen, ever since he could remember. He almost never came to school and when he did he made sure the closest anyone would get to seeing him would be out of the corner of their eye.

It all started when he was kicked out of the "popular group" of the lower school years (because of the incident) therefore everyone ignored him, that changed him; he found he enjoyed the loneliness and never went out of his way to get friends ever again. He went from being forced to be lonely to desiring the darkness and not to have friends.

He'd become a host to the inner monster, the shadow.

The shadow ate away at his longing for comfort until he barely even wanted to be seen. The shadow forced him to believe that being with other human beings are an awful thing. It went so far that he even had a longing for darkness due to his curtains blocking the path to humanity.

You, my friend,  must know that you can't hide forever like he wanted to do. School made sure that definitely didn't happen. He took a while off and once he came back everyone was asking where he'd been. What he did. Was he going away again. As this happened, panic grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into a state of stress and confusion, drowned him in his own fears, covered him in a blanket of despair he wouldn't be leaving behind any time soon. It was horrendous for the young male. His worst nightmare.

He ended up running away from the crowd of questioning, ignorant children and as a result only came to school once a term and did the rest of his work on computers on his own.

The tormentors realised his simple routine and began to get used to it. They never talked to him in which made him rather happy.

I mean, he wasn't being shoved into a box of worries and suffocated with the fear his monster and brain worked together and created for him anymore which was divine for him.

He acknowledged the problem was caused by his own inner monster later on. He also acknowledged the pros and cons of it as he was actually rather thankful. Without the monster he wouldn't have learnt that all you need is yourself and a book and your life is complete, he learnt that he was so much better being independent. With every positive aspect came 10 negative ones and that is why it's called a monster not anything more, not anything less. The cons were mostly not things he learnt but the fear that now existed within him. The heavy weights he placed on his own shoulders.

He had turned into a shadow. He still is one now.

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