2 headed monster

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The number 4s each had a completely opposite mind
But they were the exact same kind
They both were each other's best friend
However their arguments had no end

The twins looked the exact same -as most do- yet they had personalities that were completely different and therefore clashed. Somehow (by some miracle) they were inseparable despite them disagreeing over the simplest things like who sleeps on the top bunk bed for the night, or how much money one will need to buy themselves and the other half of the whole lunch at school.

One of the twins was calm, logical, quiet and reserved. He liked to read and listen to calming music. He was extremely clever but was mostly too timid to speak up and share his opinion; when he did it was during an argument with his brother and that was most definitely not civilised what so ever.

The other one was loud, aggressive and only ever went on his computer not to study but to scream at it every time he lost in whatever he was doing. He wasn't the cleverest and never compromised anything, especially not with his sibling.

The arguments the pair had were unpredictable and more often than not completely irrational. For example, once a lamp was chucked at the other ones head because one of them wanted to play video games with his mates but the other one was doing homework on their shared computer.

They also had discussions on whether or not something was an appropriate thing to input in that very moment of time. "Can I say that?" "Can I tell them this?" Would always be whispered between them.

So far you probably think that they don't get along ever. That's not necessarily the case, they love each other dearly. Every time someone questions them about respect for their siblings they both say in unison " I love my twin even if I don't like him at times." It would ALWAYS get a few people thinking it was adorable. That's why they still chose to do that.

They knew each other so well they would finish each other's sentences, it was quite creepy to be honest. Slightly unsettling. They'd also say a lot of things in unison not just the phrase I mentioned before just to send shivers down everyone's spines. It worked every time.

The idea of themselves being a double headed monster came from something one of their teachers once said to them. She caught the boys bickering over who uses the yellow highlighter and told them they acted like a 2 headed monster, constantly disagreeing, constantly fighting. It didn't take them long to find that the more they don't know what they want, the stronger the monster inside of them gets causing their emotions to be more and more complex and unpredictable. They called themselves it as a joke, just before they got into an argument over who would be the actual head and who would be the one stuck on the other end. A sudden realisation of "she's right." Knocked them over after the teacher gave up with trying to stop their argument. They were the same person, just with the opposite way of thinking. The left brain and the right brain of 1 human being. Something that had broken up itself due to it being so argumentative and uncompromising. A monster, a demon, not with one brain but two.

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