Chapter four

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I smiled at the three of them "What can I do for you gentlemen?" I asked still smiling

"Well" Jensen said clearing his throat "my daughters birthday is coming up and she is having this party. She is a huge fan of yours and I um.. well I was wondering if you could maybe perform at the party?" He asked my wide smile was now replaced with a frown as I turned around in my seat and grabbed my keys, phone and purse.

"Uh yeah sure when is it and what time?" I asked putting my stuff in my purse I knew it was too good. I can't have friends. Everyone is always out for my fame and/or money.

But they cant be like that.. Can they?  I think to myself

"It's the up coming Tuesday at six" he said smiling. I hate to crush his smile but I have too, my kids birthday is Tuesday and I missed so many of them. I can't miss this one too.

"I'm sorry my kids birthday is Tuesday and I missed to many. I can't miss this one I promised them. I can't miss my kids birthday to go yours." I say instantly feeling bad because his smile slowly fell and I even seen a few tears in his eyes. He blinked a few times and cleared his throat.

"It's fine I understand. Thank you for your time" he said starting to  get out of the car when an idea hit me.

"You all said yall are coming to the sleep over correct?" I ask them starting to get out of the car well

"Yeah" Jared said

"Bring her I can't go to her party bring her to the sleepover." I smiled again

"Okay" Jensen said not looking at me

"How many kids do you have" I asked Jensen causing him to look at me confused

"Three" he said

"And y'all?" I ask looking to Misha and Jared

"I have three and Misha has two" Jared said before Misha can answer

"And they all eat solid foods correct?" I asked causing them all to laugh

"Yeah" Misha said smiling widely

"Okay bring all of them. Wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends bring em okay?" I said

"Uh wives" Misha said laughing again

"What?" I asked moving to my trunk to retrieve the food

"Uh we all have wives" he said pointing in between him and the others

"Ohh you all are married to women." I said is a fake dumbstruck voice "Because I thought Misha and Jensen were hitting on each other" I smirked causing Misha to smile widely and Jensen to send me a classic itchface and Jared to laugh.

"Oh yes. Yes we were, but Jensen over here" he stated pointing at Jensen "Won't admit it. He's missing out on all of this" Misha said pointing to himself. I laughed and went to get the food before Jared slapped my hand away. I look up at him frowning

"Nope your not gonna do anything but lead the way" he said

"Um, I'm not really supposed to show fans my room. You never know what could happen." I said. They smiled

"We are actually not fan of yours" Misha smirked I looked at him with a glare and squinting eyes.

"If your not a fan why were you at my panel then?" I asked arms crossed then it him me they were just using me to get me to preform for Jensen's daughter. "Y'know what never mind don't answer that question. And if you don't mind I think I can handle it from here." I said but they didn't budge just kept getting stuff from the car I reached over and grabbed everything from their arms and threw it back in the trunk.

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