The Runaway

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Dragons swooped down low over Berk attacking the village with no mercy. Hiccup was working in the forge repairing every weapon that came through the window.

Hiccup was a small, scrawny boy and wasn't much good in a fight but he was really good at smithing. He heard a cry and looked out the hatch to see Astrid Hofferson disarmed and cornered by two Monstrous Nightmares the were beginning to fire up.

Without hesitation Hiccup grabbed a sword and hopped out of the hatch. He ran and ignored the shouts from the villagers who attempted to stop him. He slid along the ground right under the dragon and stood up as a shield between the two dragons and Astrid.

He held out his sword and slashed at the dragon catching it in the eye. It roared and stumbled backwards as blood spurred from the wound. Hiccup had taken its eye.

The villagers watched in shock.

"BACK NOW! I'M WARNING YOU," bellowed Hiccup.

The dragon that he blinded whined and flew off away from the angry young viking. The other growled and lunged. Hiccup smiled it on the snout with the flat of the blade. It whimpered and flew off.

Hiccup sighed and dropped the blade. He walked back to the forge, but before he left a hand grabs his shoulder. He looks to see his father, the chief Stoic the Vast, he looked angry.


Before Hiccup could answer Stoic back handed him sending him flying to the ground. The watching villagers gasped in shock. Stoic stormed over to where Hiccup landed and kicked his leg out. Surprisingly Hiccup caught his father's foot and pushed it.

Stoic hit the ground with a thump. He got up and charged at Hiccup. Out of nowhere Astrid appears and trips him up sending Stoic flying. Stoic hits the ground and gets back up. He looks from Astrid to Hiccup outraged.

"Astrid go I'm dealing with it!" yelled Hiccup. She shook her head.

"Astrid don't be stubborn go!"

A loud whistling sound could be heard from over head, their fight stopped immediately, that sound meant on thing...Night Fury.

Hiccup smiled a little, "NOW TOOTHLESS!"

A building blew up and within seconds Hiccup was lifted off of the ground by a big black dragon and was carried away into the night.

"HICCUP!" screamed Astrid at the top of her lungs.

"NO PLEASE NOT MY SON! HICCUP!" yelled Stoic with tears rolling down his face. He dropped to his knees sobbing.

"I've lost my boy," sobbed Stoic, "I shouldn't have lost control like that. I-i didn't mean to do hurt him."

The villagers gathered some were shocked, others were in tears and some were smiling.

Astrid dropped to her knees shaking with tears, Ruffnut slowly came from the crowd and embraced her friend stroking her hair in a comforting way.

⌚ Time Skip ⌚

It has been five years since Hiccup was taken, on the anniversary of that day the village gathers for a feast in memory of him. The dragon raids had stopped not long after his death and the village lived in peace.

Stoic was never the same since, he didn't take part in any raids and he never smiled once. No one brought up the topic of Hiccup around him as it was still a touchy subject even after all the years that had passed. His friend Gobber was the only person that could bring up Hiccup in a conversation as he was like a second father to the young boy.

The twins stopped being trouble makers in general and seemed too sad to do anything at all. Whenever they heard his name Tuffnut would burst out in tears and run away while Ruffnut would punch whom ever it was that said it.

Snotlout wasn't at all grieving over the loss of Hiccup, in fact he threw a party to celebrate the boys' demise. Few people attended. He was made the heir to Berk being the next in the bloodline. Ever since this was announced he walked around with a new found swagger and seemed to be under the impression that he could get away with whatever he wanted.

Astrid was the most affected by the loss of Hiccup. She stopped training all together and lost all heart. She was the same as Stoic no one could bring up the topic of Hiccup around her, if they did she would cry and run to the cove at Raven's point which was Hiccup's favorite place to hide and relax.

One the anniversary of Hiccup's death everyone had gathered in the hall, they were all silent showing signs of respect for the lost heir. They all looked up to Stoic who was sitting at the chiefs table, his eyes were red and puffy from all the tears he had recently shed during his grieving. He stood up and looked out to the gathered villagers.

"As you know my boy was taken from this world by a dragon...he was taken way too soon. My boy was brave, kind, creative and most of all he was a true viking!" said Stoic with pride and sadness, "I remember when he was small, he was a curious little thing. He would question everything. At first I thought that it was a pain, then I realized he was trying to learn, to grow. He had many faults he was clumsy and a bit destructive but one thing we can all agree on. We all loved him."

There were murmurs of agreement and some of the villagers began to break down and cry. There was a moment of silence where no one moved, and no one spoke.

"For Hiccup!" yelled Stoic to the crowd, they all yelled back in unison, "For the lost heir!"

Meanwhile else where

Astrid sat at the edge of the water staring at the ripples that the wind was making. She was holding a small silver dagger in her hands turning it over and over. The handle was intricately designed and towards the top was the engraving "HHHIII."

Astrid had found the dagger laying on the ground next to where Hiccup was taken, she immediately realized who owned it and took it to remember the brave boy who had saved her life. Hiccup had a lot of faults but one thing he never faltered over was his bravery in a dangerous situation. As she looked down at the dagger tears began to form in her eyes.

It wasn't long after Hiccup was taken that she realized that she had a deep emotional connection with him, it wasn't some stupid crush like she used to have on some of the other boys in the village. It was love. She was in love with the boy.

There was a sound in the trees like something was moving, Astrid shot up and grabbed her axe that was laying on the ground and got into a fighting stance. Then she could hear a voice.

"Fuck that hurt like a yak stood on me," yelped the voice and it sounded like a man, a man in pain. Astrid steels herself and runs towards the vegetation. Was she in for a surprise.

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