Dragon Master or Dragon Warrior?

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"There is an armada on the east side!"

Hiccups shoulders tensed and the young man seemed to shrink in his presence, Astrid could feel the temperature in the room drop as she saw Hiccup growl, "You better not be lying Fergus!" The young boy shook his head and grabbed Hiccup by the arm and began attempting to pull him outside, Hiccup followed as did Astrid. When they got outside Hiccup looked out to the sea and growled as he could see a plethora of ships heading in their direction. Astrid gasped at the sight. Her new home was about to become a war zone. Hiccup turned to her.

"Head inside Astrid, this is about to get very dangerous and you have no protection," he said with authority in his tone, Astrid was about to argue but thought better of it and ran back into the house closing the door behind her. Hiccup let out a loud roar that sounded exactly like a dragon.

Within moments his friend Toothless arrived next to him. He saddled up and before he could go anywhere a voice shouted to him, "HICCUP!" He turned to see Astrid running to him, she grabbed the front of his leather tunic and pulled him forwards crashing her lips into his, he was surprised but within moments he kissed her back. When the two broke apart she handed him his helmet and he smiled.

"Now go get them babe!" she yelled with admiration. Hiccup smiled and put on his helmet before launching himself into the sky. 

He and Toothless flew closer and closer to the boats and within moments Bolas and arrows were flying through the sky in an attempt to take them down. Hiccup expertly maneuvered himself and Toothless to avoid all of the incoming weaponry. He looked down to see the symbol of Berk emblazoned on the sails of the war ships. "How did they get her so fast?" Hiccup asked himself. 

He dipped down and blasted a ship to pieces, he could hear the shouts of men and women diving into the ocean below them. Hiccup smirked to himself, "Let's teach 'em a lesson bud" whist he patted Toothless on the head. The dragon simply cooed in response.

Hiccup dived and took out another two boats before shooting back up into the sky, the sky began to darken as night fell upon them, Toothless and Hiccup soared through the sky shooting down as many boats as they could, he knew that he couldn't stop them all, he checked the beaches and realized that there were three small row boats on the shore and he could see Berkian warriors making their way into his village. Who knew what damage and destruction they would cause in their wake.

"COME ON BUD TO THE VILLAGE!" yelled Hiccup in the hopes that he would get their before anything could happen.

By the time he reached the center plaza of the village his warriors were fighting off the Berkian guard with all their might, there were no dragons which was a good thing, Hiccup didn't want there to be any dragon casualties. Hiccup set Toothless's tail into automatic and told him to leave the village, the dragon was resistant but did as he was told. Hiccup slid sideways off of his saddle and jumped down into the village landing into the fight. Immediately he began to fight off the Berkian guards himself, the other warriors on his island knew not to get in his way and backed off to let their Chief do his thing. They lined the sides of the village watching their Chief do battle with the outsiders. They were proud to see how fierce and strong he was. Little did Hiccup know that Astrid was watching him fight from the shadows and she was even more captivated by his battle skills.

He dodged left and right smirking as it was so easy to defend against them, he fake yawned and side stepped a large viking watching him collide with a wall. He heard a roar of anger. Hiccup looked over to see Snotlout standing in the middle of the plaza.

"Leave the Dragon Master to me!" yelled Snotlout to the Berkian guards. They all nodded and joined Hiccups warriors at the side. Snotlout began circling the Hiccup as Hiccup did the same. Astrid could tell what they were both doing, they were sizing each other up analyzing each other attempting to search for weaknesses.

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