New Home

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Astrid clung on tight to the Dragon Master not wishing to fall off the fast dragon. She could feel his abs beneath his leather tunic. She could see how buff his arms were and how broad his shoulders were. He was hot! Astrid began to blush at the thought.

She stayed quiet the entire time until the man spoke, "THERE ARE YOUR FRIENDS!" he yelled above the wind in their ears.

Astrid looked to the water below them and could see a small ship, they began to dive towards it and Astrid clung on tighter not wanting to fall off.

The Dragon Master flew next to the shipped yelled out to the occupants, "HEY ADJUST YOUR COURSE AND FOLLOW THE SOUTH STAR IT WILL GUIDE YOU."

Fishlegs appeared at the porthole and yelled out even louder, "WHAT STAR?"

"FOR THE LOVE OF THOR! SCAULDRONS HERE!" yelled the Dragon Master to the water.  Immediately two blue dragons heads appeared.

"Guide them home my friends!" he said as he patted the two dragons on their snouts.


Fishlegs nodded in agreement and disappeared from the porthole. The Dragon Master leaned forwards and shot through the air like an arrow. Astrid screamed in shock and held on so tight the Dragon Master grunted a bit, but he didn't say anything to her as he knew she was scared. Astrid could feel the wind flowing past her face and through her hair but she was simply too terrified to open her eyes. She clutched on tightly with the increasing speeds thinking that she would be torn of the back of the dragon.

Within moments an island came into view and it had a huge mountain and forest with beautiful beaches and a glistening waterfall. The Dragon Master flew around the mountain and a large village came into view. There were many villagers in the center of the main plaza and when he came into view they all began cheering with glee. Astrid opened her eyes to see the most beautiful village she had ever laid eyes upon.

Each building was large and made of a combination of wood and stone. The whole place looked elegant and luxurious. What surprised her even more was that within the crowd of people were dragons of many kinds. They weren't raiding or attacking the village, it seemed to her that they were helping the villagers with their everyday tasks.

The Dragon Master landed his Night Fury in the center plaza and was greeted with cheers of welcome, he simply raised his gloved hand to ask for silence, which fell almost immediately.

"Everyone, it has been sometime since I have had the pleasure of gracing my people. As you all know I was searching the archipelago for another Night Fury. But what I did not expect was to be re-united with old friends! I ask you to welcome ASTRID HOFFERSON YOUR NEW SHIELD MAIDEN!" bellowed the Dragon Master to the masses. Astrid gasped at his announcement and got off of the Night Fury and tapped his shoulder to gain his attention.

He turned and she could see a gleam in his emerald eyes behind his helmet. She was dazzled by his beautiful eyes and got lost for a moment before remembering what she had to say.

"What do you mean that we are old friends? And why on all of Midgard would you make me a Shield Maiden?" she asked hoping that she could gauge a reaction. He simply laughed and placed his arm around her shoulder and guided her towards one of the bigger homes that was in the village.

"It is simple Astrid I have known you your whole life and you have known me all of mine! That is why I made you a Shield Maiden, because I knew it was what you wanted to be when we were both on Berk!" he said happily, this only confused her more, who could he possibly be? He opened the door to the house and lead her inside.

The room that greeted her was huge there was a massive stone fireplace that was lit and warmed the room with its amazing heat. There was two comfortable chairs by the fire and a small table between them. There was also a large dining table with ten chairs around it, which also looked comfortable. Above the fireplace was a large shield with a Night Fury emblem chiseled into the metal and painted black.

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