Dragon Master

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Astrid ran through the forest heading towards the sound,  she crashed through the trees into a clearing where a man wearing black armor and helmet was sitting. He was tall with clearly a very muscular body.

Astrid stood for a moment watching the stranger sit against a big black rock.

"You know Toothless you should stop playing around in the grass so much," said the mystery man.

Astrid was confused she hadn't got a clue what the man was talking about. She shrugged thinking maybe he hit his head.

Then she gasped as she saw the rock move, it wasn't a rock is was a black dragon! Astrid began to panic.

The man stood up and patted the dragon on his head, the dragon purred like a big cat and rolled over in the grass. The panic that Astrid had experienced slowly dissipated into nothing. The dragon was like a giant over grown pet.

She could see the man scratching it's belly and hear the dragon purring in response. Astrid stepped out into the clearing. As soon as she stepped out the man stopped scratching the dragon and turned into a defensive stance. The dragon shot up to and looked just as defensive.

The man looked from the girl to the dragon and without speaking he jumped onto the dragons back and disappeared into the sky.

Astrid stood in shock at what just happened, that man must be the man of legend. The man everyone in the archipelago was speaking of...

"Dragon Master!" whispered Astrid in awe as she continued to stare at the night sky.

⌚ Time Skip ⌚

It was three months since the Dragon Master landed in Berk. In those three months many things had changed.

Not long after the Dragon Master left there was a dragon that had landed in the middle of Berk. It looked confused and scared, the vikings attempted to attack it but we're thwarted. Not by the dragon, but by Astrid Hofferson!

She battled furiously protecting the beast, eventually the Gronkle got the hint and flew off into the dark sky.

Astrid was arrested and was dropped to the standard of being a thrall. The village agreed unanimously with Stoics' decision.

Astrid has been in prison for two and a half months. Each day she would scratch a tally into the wall. She had a life imprisonment. She wasn't angry she was actually happy, she saved that Gronkle, dragons weren't dangerous at all. She was happy to spend her life behind bars knowing she saved at least one innocent dragon from death. She never told anyone of what she saw in the forest but that was something just for her.

In the Great Hall Stoic sat at the chiefs table, he was awaiting for the great gathering of chiefs within the archipelago. Gobber sat to his right looking uneasy.

"Stoic. Why do yah think dat they will be callin' dis emergency meeting?" asked Gobber sounding worried.

"I dunno Gobber but it cannot be good," responded the chief in a low solemn voice.

They didn't need to wait much longer before the doors to the Great Hall opened and chiefs began to fill the room.

Stoic stood to welcome, "Welcome to Berk!"

Noah of the Wolf tribe approached Stoic looking grievously into the man's eyes, "Stoic the Outcasts have been destroyed. There was no survivors."

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