chapter fourteen

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Tony and you chat about school, life, and other random subjects before you finally arrive at the restaurant.
"Here we are," Happy speaks, pulling up to a white building that shows "Gabriel Kreuther."
"Kid, you should wear your coat. It's chilly outside," Tony advises, mentioning to your fur coat laying on the seat and the light snow outside.
"I'll be fine. I've got a Super Soldier as one parent and Peggy Carter as the other."
"Okay," He shrugs, realizing that you also inherit Steve's stubbornness.

Happy gets out of the car, but doesn't arrive to your door fast enough to open it for you. Your face holds a triumphant smirk for a quick second. Tony offers his arm for you to hold onto. You're grateful, as it is difficult to walk in snow in stilettos. You regret that you didn't acquire the skill of wearing high heels from your mother.

Woah, is the word that repeats in your mind as the waiter leads you and Tony to your small table. The well-lit restaurant is large yet cozy. The waiter leaves you with two menus and a basket of fluffy bread. The basket holds about five rolls, and you eat the majority of them.
"Am I going to be ordering dinner rolls from here from now on?" Tony remarks as you enjoy the last roll.
"Is that possible? This is the fluffiest bread I've ever tasted!"
"Sure, kid. Anything you need."

You finish your dinner, and enjoy every bite. Tony even gives you a sip of his wine. You offer him some of your soda, but he prefers his alcohol. After he pays, you walk to the car where Happy is waiting.

"So, what did you think?" Tony asks as you pull away from the restaurant.
"That food was amazing!" You exclaim.
"Glad you liked it." Tony smiles widely at your excitement. "And don't worry, we'll get dessert somewhere else. Their ice cream isn't the best in New York."
"Cool! I was planning on just raiding the freezer when we get back, but never mind." After your comment, you think you hear Tony murmur under his breath, "She's definitely Steve's kid."

You watch the lights and people passing outside. Happy drives into an area where you've not been before. These streets are quieter than most other places in New York City. You're about to ask where you are when Happy pulls over in front of a little ice cream shop called "Pluto's."
"Here we are, best ice cream in New York," Tony speaks, leaving the car. You follow him out and into the shop. You both order triple chocolate cones, and Tony buys a carton of it to take home.

"So, you and Peter," Tony says, not-so-subtly bringing up new conversation.
"Yeah. Me and Peter," You reply awkwardly.
"Do remember your first date when I warned Peter not to hurt you?"
"Oh." You were thinking of a different, more violent part of that night. "Yeah."
"Well, I've not gotten the chance to tell you to be careful with him too."
You give him a disbelieving look. You're not sure why he's telling you this.
"What? He can be a sensitive kid."

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