chapter seventeen

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April 9, 2018

Ugh! I hate Mondays! You speak to yourself as you walk through the halls filled with high school doofuses. You suddenly became aware of the lump in your throat that had been there all day. Today was your mother, Peggy Carter's, birthday.

Finally seeing the familiar face of your best friend, MJ, you gave a slight smile. She began talking about some political issue as you walk to class, but you were having trouble paying attention. You were lost in your own mind when she tugs you back into reality.
"(Y/N), are you okay? You seem...distant."
"Yeah, I'm...I'm fine. I'm just a bit distracted."
When she continued with her ranting, you tried really hard to pay attention to her words rather than your painful thoughts.

In the cafeteria, the uncomfortable lump was still lodged in your throat. It didn't threaten to break out as it had for most of the day, but it was still there to remind you of your pain.

You munched on your tater tots while listening to Ned explain his plan for a school project.
"But have you accounted for air resistance?" Peter challenged.
"Of course," Ned muttered as he typed something into his notes on his phone.
"(Y/N), what are you going to do?" Peter questioned, lacing his fingers around your's under the table, as to not make anyone uncomfortable.
"Um, not really. I've kinda been on a creativity shortage lately." you shrugged.
Peter eyed you with suspicion, and you realized that he was about to interrogate you.

You excused yourself to the bathroom before he could get out his questions. When you reached the girls' bathroom, you take a breath of relief as you find it empty. Unwilling to go back to Peter's many questions waiting, you hoisted yourself onto the counter and sat. The eerie silence was comfortable. Leaning the back of your head against the mirror, you shut your eyes. You thought back to the last time you were with your mother for her birthday.

[April 9, 1959; New Jersey]

The cheery sound of the doorbell echoes through the small apartment.
"Hi, Daniel!" you exclaim as you invite your mom's boyfriend inside.
"Hey! Is your mom ready?"
"Yeah, we're ready. She's on the phone."

"Are you sure no one else is available?" you hear your mother speaking with an irritated tone. "Alright, Jack." she hangs up the phone and gives a disappointed look.
"What was that?" you ask.
"Murphy became ill. They need me to cover for him at the office."
"But it's your birthday. They can manage without you for one day." your voice holds a fragment of a British accent, as was your habit.
"They just need me to sort some of his files for him. It should only take about an hour."
"But we're going skating. Let me talk to Jack." you reach for the phone and dial the number. Before he can get in a word, you begin pleading.
"Jack, is there no one else that can fill in? It's my mom's birthday, and we're going skating."
He tries to cut in, but you keep going.
"We've been planning this for weeks. My mom asked for today off so we could spend time together. Please, Jack."
"Let me explain," he begins. "Everyone wanted surprise her at work. She doesn't have to sort any files. Just get her come down here? Please?"
"Oh," you try to sound disappointed. "Okay."
"Mom, we could come with you and wait at the office. We can go skating afterward."
"Alright, dear."

At your mom's surprise party you enjoy soda, cupcakes, and games. Your mother, being Agent Carter, had already guessed there'd be a surprise party. But after over an hour, you left for the skating rink with Daniel and your mom. Upon arriving, you put on your skates and stride to the rhythm of old jazz. Daniel has some trouble, but eventually gets the hang of skating with a peg leg.


Your reminiscent thoughts are interrupted by the door opening. Peter looks to make sure no one is in the stalls before coming in. The sight of Peter gives you a bit of hope and comfort.
"You okay?" he asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you speak, wiping a tear from the side of your face.
"Whatcha doing in here?"
"Just thinking." Peter gives you a quick second of silence before inquiring further.
"What's wrong?"
"It's my mom's birthday."
"Oh," he speaks with understanding in his voice.
"When we lived in New Jersey, we would go roller skating every year on our birthdays. I..." Your voice cracks as the tears begin to fall. "I just miss her so much."

Peter pulls you into a warm hug as you cry for a long second. It was comforting because you knew he understood and truly cared.
"What if we go skating. Just you and I. We don't have to stay for the rest of school today. We already know all the material."
You clear your throat and wipe the tears from your face before answering, "I'd like that."

Peter grabs your hand tightly as you walk out of the quiet school building. Instead of swinging with you as he normally would, he holds your hand and walks to the skating rink. When he sees that you are some of the only customers, he requests the DJ to play old jazz as he skates around the rink with his hand wrapped tightly around yours.

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