Live Stream!

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Before we knew it it was 10AM and that ment livestream time. I was in the corner of the room on my laptop, next to kaeyis desk. They plaied martyns wildstar song and I couldn't help but sing along to it especally queen myala everstar. When it was over I crouched in the middle of the room to pop up when they introduced me.

"Hey guys. As you know today is the start of.." Kaeyi started

"Wildstar stream week." Martyn finnished clearly exited "with our special guest." He continued

"Elissa Brindly!" Kaeyi said. I popped up on both there streams but I had to talk loud for the streams to hear me.

"Hi I'm Elissa. And for the next week I'm going to be living off coffee, chilli con carne and wildstar!" I said. "Im going to be in the corner next to Kaeyi's desk also if theres any shouting and its not from Martyn or Kaeyi its going to be me but you wont know I'm going to be there because im going to be completly submerged in wildstar!" I said before walking back to my laptop.

"Well Elissa everybody!" Kaeyi said.

After creating a character and getting threw the tutorial we were finally on our way. I plugged in my headphones and put on some area 11. With Martyns song in there as well. Everytime it came on I just started to sing it, I also knew most of the words. The day went pretty fast. There was stream starting, lunch, streaming, dinner, streaming, 'sleep' then the cycle continued the next day. I didn't go to sleep that night, well I did but not till 4AM. I was streaming on my own channel, Lisy Eikan, which I love as an alternate name like Kaeyi's but I need to work on the end name. When I was streaming it was to americans but there were some brittish people in there with major fucked up sleeping patterns, like me! I ended the stream for that day and went downstairs. When I got down I got my IPad out and sent an alarm on it for 8AM with the song strays set for it before walking upstairs and into the office

I fell asleep wondering what would it be like to be trapped in a game?

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