The questions?

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Elissa's P.O.V

I saw them. The guys I'm not ment to see. How did they track me. Before I knew it the window was smashed and small pieces of glass was in my hair and some of my arm. Just my luck, the only day I wear a short sleaved shirt

"Lewis, Hannah, Simon, Duncan, Kim, Sjin, Sip, Ross, Trott, Smithy!" I yelled once I was out of my office. I ran into a random office and saw Duncan.

"Where's your machette?" I said

"Well hello to you too. Why do you need it."

"They're here and I need to defend my self like Kirito."

"Whos Kirito."

"Duncan give me your fucking machette right now or I swear to god I will throw you out of this building and were quit high up as well."

"Wow calm down." He said passing me his machette from under his desk.

"Thank you and remember you never saw me ok." I said before leaving out of his window. I know I'm running away from my problems but thats what I need to do right now. Run away, far far away.

Duncan P.O.V

Why did I just let her go. Why did I just let a fithteen year old out with a legle weapon when cops are after her.

"Everyone hat films office now!" I yelled. I went to hat films office which use to be the common room but it is now there office.

"What the hell Duncan. Why our office." Trott said when I walked in

"We use to solve problems in here before you lot moved in." I said. It didn't take long for people to come in but where the hell is Martyn.

"Thank you all for coming. I have to say two things. One, where the hell is Martyn?" I asked no one answered but Kim looked liked she knew something about it

"And two, Elissa is out with cops after her with my machette."

"What the hell Duncan why did you let her do that!" Lewis yelled

"I know your mad Lewis but she was in a rush but I don't know where she is. She could be half way accross Bristol by now."

"Why the hell were the cops on her?" He yelled.

"I know why." Kim said quietly.

"What why kim you could help us!" Lewis said shaking her. She looks like shes about to cry.

"Lewis stop shaking her the poor woman looks like shes gonna cry." I said

"Oh my sorry Kim its just I'm worried about her." He said. "I'm just gonna go back to my office." He finnished before running out of the room.

"Kim tell them why shes gone and Hannah go check on Lewis." I said. They both nodded before they left. Everyone started talking between them selves before Kim came back. With a memory stick?

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