Going to the airport

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Kims P.O.V

Woooooooo were going on holiday today. This will be the first holiday I've had with Jessie. Ites been nearly a month since I adopted her and were more like sisters then mother and daughter. We stay up late, play games, do each others hair, have occational arguments. You know family stuff. We went home and pack. We were finnished by ten so we did what normal people do. Make curry! Well Jessie made the curry. Shes really good at it and shes so skilled when it comes to cooking.

"Kim where are my real parents?" She asked while we were eating.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well I dont remember them and there must have been a reason for me to have ran away from somewhere."

"Well when you were in London a few weeks ago you were in this faccility thing and you told Elissa that your real parents died in a car accident when you were three so you were moved to your grandma's but she died not long after and to avoid going into care you ran away."

"Ok. What happened in London?"

"You were in this faccility cause you have these powers but before you went they managed to make you forget about your powers." I said. Jessie nodded at me and when we were done she set up the PS4.

"You coming to play LBP with me." She said smiling. I joined her and before we knew it, it was three.

"Shit. Weve got to go pick up Martyn and Kaeyi." I muttered. "Come on jump into the car. Were finally going to the airport." I said. Jessie took her suitcase and put it in the back while I followed her out making sure I locked the door. I put my stuff in and we set off.

Elissa's P.O.V

I managed to get through six episodes of S.A.O and now im up to date.

"Elissa we've got to go now." Hannah said popping her head into the living room. I nedded and put. My IPad and headphones away it was a twenty minuet drive to the airport but when we got there Lewis was swarmed with quite a few kids. The occational one came up to me and Hannah but they mainly stuck to Lewis. This is going to be so fun. Kim, Kaeyi, Jessie and Martyn soon came through so we know we have to start moving now.

Fact3: i have a facebook profile and im willing to add some of you on. My name is Lisy Eikan and the profile pic is the same as this one i use for wattpad

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