Spend the night

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Elissa's P.O.V

Fell asleep on the sofa that night and woke up crying.

"Martyn. Why did it have to be you!"

"Elissa. Are you crying over martyn again." Kaeyi said in a concerned voice.

"Yeah but its just. I'm gonna get Lewis to pick me up." I said while getting my phone out. Three missed texts from Lewis and Hannah. This is going to be fun.

"Elissa. Are you still there. If so text me back youve got school tomorrow." Shit school

"Elissa is you still at martyn and kaey-" i got up to before the text became blurry and unreadable. I hugged Kaeyi while trying to stop myself from crying even more.

Lewis' P.O.V

I sent Elissa a text but she hasnt replied so I think she is still there. It said "elissa is you still at martyn and kaeyis. If so you need to come back because you have got school."

I got in the car and started driving there. I knocked on the door and Kaeyi opened it but I could hear Elissa crying in the background.

"Kaeyi what happened?" I asked

"Just come in lewis." She said. I ran in and hugged Elissa. "Its going to be ok." I whispered

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