『 ₅ 』

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My aunt made me feel more relaxed and later, we sit at the table for eating some turkey. We went to bed early and aunt Katie refused to leave me alone, but after insisting to her a lot she left me. When she fell asleep I opened one drawer of my desk and I picked up my Polaroid and my Nikon. I started looking at the photos of the Nikon. In most of the photos, I was with Summer and the band, we were smiling or just doing crazy things, I started crying again 'cause I have been missing them a lot. I put both cameras back in their place and then, I took out a large envelope of letters in which I keep the Polaroid's photos. That camera was another present that the Seavey brothers gave me for my last birthday too. I looked the photos like if they are their last goodbye. Maybe, it's time to accept the cruel reality even if it hurts. I cried 'til I fell asleep. 

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