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Finally, I arrived at Jack's room and, without delay, I asked him about his message.

—What's the matter?—he was connected to some machines with lots of tubes around him, he looked so weak. He didn't answer me but he indicated with his right hand that I can sit next to him on his hospital gurney.—Are u OK Jack?—I asked worriedly and I sat next to him while he nodded slowly with his head.

—Keep Calm Kendall, for now, I'm...fine...—his voice was broken.—You know where is Summer buried, right?—Now, I nodded.—OK, I want that you put this next to her grave—he gave me a paper, I thought it was a letter for her.

—Jack, why don't we go together when you're better?—he looked at me and I realized he wasn't going to be better.

—Kendall...—he said while taking a deep breath—I not going to survive more than 1 or 2 days. I regret for didn't tell Summer that I loved her—his eyes were filled with tears.—All this hurts a lot, it fucks me that Summer and Daniel aren't here with us anymore, it hurts me that Zach has lost all his memory, it hurts me that Jonah has depression and I hate all these shits and tubes that go inside my body—each of the words he said sounded like bullets in the room.

—I'm so sorry...—I was speechless, Jack was broken.—You don't deserve this.—I took the paper and I put it inside my bag that was in a chair of the room.—OK, I'll leave the letter next Summer's grave—I finally announced while I was looking through the window, I wasn't able to look at him.

—Thank you...I'm sorry...—he said weakly while many beeps began to ring in the room.

—J-jack...?—I turned and I saw him without all the tubes that a few minutes ago made him still alive, when I ran to him was too late to do anything, so I hugged him and I cried, I know that it was his decision and I couldn't do anything even if I want.

I was wandering through the monotonous corridors when, after half an hour, the doctors confirmed that Jack had died and then, I realized that all my efforts to contain the tears were in vain 'cause in the end I collapse. Later, when I finished crying, I went to see Zach and, as Jack said, he had lost his memory.

When I was going to leave the hospital, I realized that I haven't seen Jonah or Corbyn, so I decided to search for their room.

—Am I disturbing?—I asked with a soft tone when I enter through the door of the room.—Is he sleeping?—I said to Corbyn, who was standing up next to Jonah's hospital gurney.

—No, u aren't disturbing us—he showed me a fleeting fake smile 'cause he didn't want me to see him sad.—Yes, his depression is making him feel tired, he's been crying before falling asleep.

—I'm so sorry about this...

—Me too, but hey!—he smiled again.—All is gonna be alright, trust me.

—I know, but...Do you know what happened with Jack?

—Jack?! What happened to him?! I thought he has a few days more before he died.

—He ended his own life...—My eyes filled with tears in a matter of second when I remembered Jack.—He disconnected all the tubes and wires and...he's gone—tears began to fall down my face.—He left me a letter for Summer, it was his last wish.

—Holy...I can't...—I knew he was trying hard not to cry.—They...no, please...—I hugged him, I felt as bad as he, and see him like that, broke my heart, I refused to leave him alone, not now, not him.

—Hey...I want you to know that you'll always have me there to support you, I know all this is too hard but they still here, with us and I'm going to stay with you Corbyn Matthew Besson.—He smiled, was the most beautiful smile of a broken boy.

—Thank you so much Kendall.—He put his arms around me, and for the first time, I cried in front of someone.

Since that day, Corbyn and I became best friends.

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