planes go bad

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chapter seven:

plans go bad

after I finished decoraiting the glasses I made to me and britney I simply just drawed sircles around the jar, the colors were neon pink ,neon yellow , neon blue and a dark shade of purple

I took a picture of it and sent it to britney

(hii just finished the glasses don't they looke fantastic) I texted after I sent the pictuer

after tow hours when she didn't respond I started getting worried she usually replay after few minutes why is she not replaying

so I called her after alot of tries she finally picked up (hi) she said in a deep sad voics

(what's wrong) I asked afraid from the answer

(im the hospital my grandfather isn't well)

she told me in a low voice

(oh I'm so sorry wish he gets better soon) I told het feling sorry about what happened

( thanks I really need to go now talk to you later) she said

( okay bey) I told her

(bey) she said and ended up the conversation


its been 4 days and britney's grandfather haven't got any well

britney is staying in her grandfather house with her aunt becaus her mom is sleeping in the hospital

we canceled the picnic of course ,but I kinnda felt sorry for cancling it, I know it's mean but me and britney really hanged hopes on it, but you know we can hang hopes all again the impotent thing is her grandfather right now

I didn't visit britney at the hospital ،all her familly is there and I kinda get shy so I just called her several times checking on her

but now since I have nothing to do، im just alone with no friends I wanted to spend time with my brother ,I know it's silly but I wanted to get closer to him, even though I know that at the end of the day we'll fight again I mean that's part of being btothers ،so I thought of something that could band the tow of us while I was walking to his room. I wanted to be all nice and stuff so I knoced his door. normaly I would just crash it

(come in) I heard jack yelling

I came in، and I found jack sitting on his bed with his laptop infront of him

(hi ) I said getting closer to him

he looked up at me curiously

(what) he said then he turned to his laptop

(do you have anything importent you need to do or you are free) I asked him

(you are not asking me for a date) he said laughing

(stop being silly im bored and I wanted to spend time with you) I told him honstly

(im jack everything I do is important) he said

(and I wonder why I don't spend time with you you are so fun) I told him sarcasticly

then her rolled his eyes at me and said (whatever) in a girly voice

so I turned to leave the room but I heard

jack said (wait I didn't mean to be rude)

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