the end

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chapter ten:

the end

  the air is nice and setting under this tree shadow feels relaxing it is one of these moments when you don't do anything exept thinking of what's happening in your life .I looked at my phone home screen photo it was a selfie of me britney sally and eva it was that night at the coffee shop, I looked at us realizing how we changed and how our planes just changed from there

for me I'm so happy that I finished the school now I can go to the college ,the only thing than annoyed me about the end of school that im growing old, I hate growing I wanna be a teenager for ever, but I can't stop time. the prom was nothing like I  imagined it was like a normal party with a feeling that you get older and you are not longer a student in  school. jack went to the college he is studying planes engeniring ,so its just me living with my parents but I'll go soon to the college, im gonna study decor engeniring and I'm gonna be the same cabins as jack

when school started sally wanted to be home schooled she said that she don't like to be in another school or having another friends her family decided that they gonna stay there forever so there is no hope that sally is gonna be back, exept when she visits her grandmother, also she is not going for college this year she said that she isn't ready for her future, she came to the school garduation prom the four of us really had fun but again it wasn't like I imagined, when I was little I thought it's gonna be great and everything is gonna be perfect and stuff ,you know me with my big imagination

and when I say the four if us it means

yes eva camed back her fathet turned to be a good person he missed his little girl and he wanted eva to live with him ,her mother didn't even think she was like yes you can take her ,she was busy with her new fiancé. eva made her relationship with her father so much stronger ,she said that she finally feels that someone is caring about her ,and when getted back yo the town, she also gettef back to our school so in the senior yeae it was me Eva and britney

eva didn't want to go to college,  she said that she wants to stay with her father and she gonna think about college later

and britney is going to be a doctor yaaay that all what she ever wants she worked hard for it, she tollay deserve it she is gonna be the sweetest and the best doctor and friend ever, I wanna be her first patient but I don't wanna be sick ,that was really weird

and then I looked at the prom photo we were so happy and laughing in our fancy gowns

and I relized how our smile didn't change from the selfie in the coffee shop it was the same I gusse somethings never change

so even though what we always wanted didn't happened, we didn't make that stoping us from loving each other there were alot of things that we went through but that didn't effect us, our friendship is stronger than everything

even college we didn't go togather to it and we were planing to live in the same room and became a roommates that didn't happenec because we learned that when you love someone you don't have to be with him

I admit it that I really hated it when my friends tell me that they gonna leave ,I didn't want them to go ,because I thought that they'll change ,but they didn't they are the same the same friends that I loved them and always gonna do

we had alot of memories alot of laughs and tears and selfies becaus of eva that girl really likes to take pictures

it is a really nice feeling when you think of a hard thing that you went through as a memoire, you looke at your self and reacts and just say oh my god what was I thinking. I know my problem wasn't the biggest thing ever , but for me it was hard and every one have his only hard times to go through but always remmeber that for every problem there is a solution it might get late sometimes you have to wait alot but at the end, everything would be settled don't make your worrying of tomorow screws your today's joy

so any way that was my story the story of my friends that I will never forget them even if they weren't with me they are in my heart ,also my phone home screen photo so it's gonna be a bit hard to forget them you know

joking joking don't get me wrong


yaaaaaay the end

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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