the roof surprise

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chapter nine :

the toof surprise

  the school is about to start this year it's gonna be different it's the senior year there is the prom and the graduation

what's better than choosing your prom dress with your besties, I always dreamed of that but it won't be the same as my dream

eva might get back her father told her that her missed her too and maybe she would live with him she didn't ask him yet she is thinking I didn't see eva thinking of a serious thing like that before britney wants to study from now all what she thinks about is dotor doctor doctor

she really deserves to go the medical collage ,she is lucky she  know what she wants and she made it as a goal to her I didn't decide what I wanna be till now I don't know  .should I ?

and sally is coming to her granmother this week before the school opened im so excited to see her

I want to know my self what do I want from this world and why do I hold things really tight there are some things that don't worth me holding

once I had a doll that I really loved I was like 5 years ,old that dool lost her eyes I don't remember how, probably because of jack. every one tells me to throw it away but I don't want to throw it. and I know that she has only one eye,  and looks freaking ugly, but I still convincing my self that it's good and I don't want to throw it because I love it, and I don't want loos it. one day I woke up and I didn't find the doll my mom throw it but she didn't tell me and because I was so young and stupid ,I thought that the dool went and left me, and I kept thinking why did I hold her like this and she didnt even think before leaving me

so sometimes we just hold on things that doesn't worth it ,my friends situation is anothet thing that I need to hold on it

I can't forget all those years we spent togathet but I'll except the fact that they are not with me anymore but thats not gonna stop me loving them

because eva and sally left I have more time to know britney she is a wonderful friend she always was  I know that im lucky to have her around, today is her birthday she didn't want to make a party because eva and sally are not here. but of course I won't let her do that so I wanted to surprise her in a party that's gonna be just me and her but when we cut the cack her mom will be with her I asked her snd she said ok but I begged her not to tell britney about the surprise

so on the roof of my house I puted an old wood table and I placed a cute pattrened blanket over it and over all of this I placed every kind of candeles that Britney likes

and I kinda made a tan and I put a Christmas decorating lights over it and in the tan I putted pillows and a balnket that we could rest on and betwen those pillows I placed britney's gift and it is a sheer blue and purple  knee length omber drees with a purple wedges that matches the purple in the drees .I knew that when britney gonna be here she wouldn't wear a party dress because she doesn't know but I wanted her to wear something special,  so I bought her the birthday party dreess even though it's gonna be only me

and I also prepared some of britney's favourite snacks but the cake britney's mom wanted to buy it

after every thing was ready befor the sun seat I called britney

(hey how you doing birthday girl)  I asked britney

(im good why don't you come over) britney said

(no you come over I got a new movie) I told het totally lying

(ok I'll come what does it called) britney said

(umm you don't know it It's a new one just come and don't be annoying) I said

(ok ok im coming)she said

then we hung the phone I run to continue the waterfull braid on my hair I was wearing a black colar dress with a bow on it waste that have studs on it colar, I paired it with a red falts and a black bow ring .

britney's mom was already in the roof waiting for britney to come so she can cut the cacke with her, my mom was there too and finally the bell rang

(hi) I said opening the door to britney

(ohh you look fancy) britney said getting in the house

(yeah better then the sweat pants huh) I told her

she laughed and then I told her to go on the roof and the weather is nice there

and she agreed

when we got there it was both of our mom's singing happy birthday to you song, I followd them britney felt really happy and surprised ,and when britney blow the candeles she said (thank you very much sara you didn't have to do this)

(that's my job as your best friend) I told her smiling she kissed her mom and my mom then both of the moms left .and I told britney to search for her present she found the box between the pillows in the tan and opened it

(oh my god its so beautiful thank you sara ) britney said

(glad you like it) I told her

( wear it now so we can take your birtday pictures) I said

(ok ) she said standing I took her to my room so she can change

in the party we really have fun it was a really nice idea to make her this small party she really liked it and I felt so happy to do that



what did you think about the small party it's really nice from sara

vote and comment I love to know what you think about my work it feels great

ok enjoy=)

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