Chapter 5

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Emiko's POV 

I stayed out all day not being in the mood to go home yet or anywhere in particular actually. 

I missed him like crazy and it's hasn't passed more than almost 1 day. 

I was almost home when from afar I saw someone sitting in front of my house. 

I got closer and I saw...JB??!! 

What was he doing here? 

He heard my footsteps, raised his head and when he noticed it was me, he stood up, walked towards me and engulfed me in a tight bone-crushing hug. 

I tried to push him away, but he tightened his hold around me and whispered in my ear...

JB:"Don't!Don't push me away. Please stay with me." 

Miko:"I-I can't. I'm sorry, please don't make this any difficult then it already is."

JB:"No, I'm not giving up on you. I love you and I want to be with you. Why don't you give us a chance?"

Miko:"We're from two different worlds JB and you know that.I'm a thief and you're an idol loved by a lot of fans. It just wouldn't work so why bother hurting each other in the first place." 

JB:"Is me loving you not enough for us to be together? Do my feelings not matter to you?" 

Miko:"Of course they do.If it were up to me I'd risk my own life to save yours,but it's not as simple as that and besides aren't you uncomfortable being with me...being with well... a thief?!"

JB:"If you do,then be with me.I'd do the exact same thing for you too, never doubt that,not even for a second. We can try and I know we'll be happy. Did I ever seem to be getting uncomfortable when being near you? I never felt uncomfortable when being with you."

Miko:"All this.. the situation we have is making my head hurt.I'm heading inside and you should go home as well, it's late."

I tried to move past him and open the door to get inside,when I felt his hand grab my arm, like this making me face him. 

I looked into his eyes and all I saw in them was sincerity when he said:  

JB:"Give US a chance..Give ME a chance to prove to you that I truly love you and that I'd do anything to keep you by my side."  

Miko:"What am I gonna do with you?Alright,1 chance!" 

As fast as those words left my mouth,that's how fast I found myself in his arms,as he twirled us both around and we were both smiling like fools in love.

An Accidental Love (Got7 Lim Jaebeom)✔Where stories live. Discover now