Chapter 19

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Miko's POV

A Day Later

I had finally landed in sunny Cayman island.

The place was really nice,but very hot.

I took a cab and showed the driver the address my mom gave me before she left.

After awhile,I arrived at the correct location and was stunned to see a beautiful house.

I got near the door and knocked,after a few minutes the door opened and as soon as I saw my mom, I engulfed her in a tight hug.

Mom:"Miko!It's so great you're here."
Miko:"I've missed you so much mom."
Mom:"I've missed you too honey,but come in."

She brought me inside and took me to a room. 

The room was simple,but nice and cozy.

She told me to come downstairs after I've freshened up and left to go prepare something to eat.

I unpacked my suitcase,took a shower and then went downstairs.

She had prepared pasta,steak and a fruit salad,that were sitting on the table making my stomach rumble loudly.

My mom,whose back was facing me,since she was pouring some water on a glass for herself and when she turned around,she laughed at my rumbling stomach and I joined her laughing as well.

We sat on the table and started eating,when my mom suddenly asked a question that made me go stiff and that I didn't want to answer...

Mom:"So honey,what brings you here?"
Miko:"I just missed you."
Mom:"Miko,I'm your mom and I know when you're lying."

I looked at her for a bit,I sighed loudly knowing very well that there was no escaping her diligent eyes and then I said...

Miko:"Jaebeom...I had to let go of him."

Miko:"I think he found someone else."
Mom:"Are you sure about that?Did you ask him directly?"

Miko:"No,I didn't but-..."

Mom:"Then how can you be certain that he's found someone else.You of all people should know Miko that there's always another explanation and if there isn't,then you can just dump him."

An Accidental Love (Got7 Lim Jaebeom)✔Where stories live. Discover now