Chapter 4: Stepping On Up

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Sakura's Pov
Land of Wheat
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That was the only word to describe how she felt. Raw panic. He saw her. He knew that it was her. He knew that she was alive. Alive. Not dead.

Fuck me...

She felt Itachi pull her closer as every figure drew closer. How could this be any worse? Oh, wait! It can't! Sakura could only barely see a couple of Shinobi from how tightly she was pressed against Itachi. Was he trying to hide her? To protect her perhaps? Oh god, she sure hoped so.

"Sakura?" He said her name again, confusion and hurt evident in his voice. Since when did Sasuke show so much emotion? She could only recall once, that had been to their first mission out of the village. He'd said something to Naruto, just before they thought him dead, the blonde had hugged him quiet intimately after that, calling his name again and again, like that would somehow bring him back to life.

If Sakura didn't know any better she'd say that they were gay for each other.

Had she been like her old self in any way the thought would've been crushed before it even entered her mind, that much Sakura knew. She was silently proud of herself and how much she'd grown, physically and mentally.

"Is that you?" Sasuke could NOT be serious, this seemed so cliché. The boy finds out that his old friend is alive, then later the female finds out that he had feelings for her.

Ha! How funny would that be!?!

Focus, goddamnit!

If it were possible Itachi pulled her closer, squishing her nose painfully against his chest. She almost wished that he'd let her breath, but she knew better. This plan was a failure before it was even formed. Her hair was far too noticeable, Sasuke knew that it was her, there was no hiding the fact.

Yet her instincts screamed 'Run! Get away! RUN!!' She needed to leave. She had to leave. She wasn't ready. She wasn't ready! He saw her. The supposed dead female member of his team! This was a fight or flight situation. Sakura needed to choose 'Flight' because 'Fight' most certainly wasn't an option!

She grasped Itachi's cloak and tugged hard, gaining a little of his attention away from the Shinobi who were coming precariously close to them.

His nudge was a way for her to know that he was listening, but even Sakura knew that he was a little angry at her for interrupting his train of thought.

"I need to get out of here..please.." She was begging, she hated begging. It was weak, and although Sakura had her fair share of weakness, this, in front of him, was not one of those times that she could forgive.

"No." Sakura's head snapped up at that. Had she been a lesser person she might've huffed, but her refusal to do so and their current situation told her that that probably wasn't the wisest thing to do.

"I need you here, you must help me fight. I trust that you've been training?" He wanted her help. HE, the almighty Itachi, wanted her here. To help him. To fight with him.

How could she say no? Sure Sasuke would be an issue, but she could just avoid him. And something, that something was the vicious way he'd said the older man's name earlier, told her that he was going to go after Itachi before he even cared to glance her way. perhaps she was taking this too lightly? Oh yes, she definitely was, but everyone has ways of dealing with certain issues.

"On the count of three, jump back from me and lay flat on your back." He instructed quietly, the Shinobi were within ten feet now.

"One." He looked left.

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