Chapter 5: Hidden Under Starlight

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Land of Grass
Nearing Dawn

It was quiet in the Land of Grass, all was still as the night continued on unperturbed. If one were still you could hear the gentle sway of the tall snake grass or the soft sway of leaves.

If one were a ninja, one would hear the almost soft footfalls on the grass not ten meters away. A shinobi, a very talented one at that, made his way through the land of grass, he was heading towards his informant.

His informant gave him valuable information that any Shinobi Nation would kill to have. He knew that putting his trust in the boy all those years ago was a wise decision.

He just didn't know how much it would pay off. If he had he would've trained the child himself. Although when the out of character thought crossed his mind he dismissed it. He knew who he was.

And he was most certainly not a babysitter.

That much the mercenary knew. He was a cold-blooded killer. Banded and branded from his Village, he would forever, until he took his last dying breath, would belong to them in some way, shape or form.

The thought alone disgusted him.

They had taken far to much from him, for him to still be considered theirs. Many thought that he was just too lazy to hate the pitiful excuse for a shinobi village. They were wrong. He waited for no man. Just as time waited for no man.

Perhaps he was considered luck, seeing as he could no longer age. He was too lazy to feel lucky, yes that was it. He was too lazy to feel unbelievably lucky by the outcome of an event that led to him no longer being human.

He could name them off as if he'd made a book about them.

1: His parents died, during a war that they had nothing to do with, killed by The White Fang of Konoha.

2: His Village refused to tell him about their deaths' thus leading him to believe that they were alive for years when they had been dead for three.

3: They turned his own family against him, to lie to him.

Yes, everything was crystal clear.

As usual.

He saw the dirt road before he landed in it, which considering his superior vision, did not surprise him. He saw the hill leading up to the bridge. He was gonna miss it soon if he didn't hurry.

This was something that he couldn't afford to be lazy about, unfortunately.

He placed chakra into his feet, easily sending him off and up the hill. He sure as hell hoped that the boy was there, if not he'd beat him to a bloody pulp next time they encountered each other.

Whether it be as friends or foes, he didn't care.

He heard the rushing water beneath him. He didn't have to look down to know that flood season was quickly approaching. He felt his cloak billow around him slightly as the wind shifted in his direction.

It wasn't like he could actually feel it, he just could tell.

After all, a Shinobi must always be aware of their surroundings.

The boy was sitting on the opposite side of the bridge in which he stood. His glasses glinted off of the moonlight, giving him an eerie essence that would've scared a lesser man.

It was a good thing that Akasuna Nō Sasori was anything but.

He didn't move, he simply didn't feel the need to. While he waited for the boy to get his ass in gear, he surveyed the area with his eyes and chakra. He was pleasantly surprised to find no one.

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