Chapter 12: Wait For Me

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Being thrown into an open field full of snow was not how Sakura had thought her life would end. She had whole-heartedly expected a black tendril to be driven through her chest not moments earlier.

Frantically getting to her feet Sakura looked all around her, and finding no sign of the man who, despite her earlier accusations, did in fact love her, screamed.

Calling his name, over and over, she could feel the freezing stain on the back of her shirt, his blood. Her clothes had blood on them. His blood on them.

She felt the wet streams of  soon to be ice on her cheeks and she realized that she was crying. And with good reason to, a more sarcastic price of herself thought.

She felt the bite and chill on her arms as the snow relentlessly slapped against her skin. But her body would not move, what kind of human was she, to have assumed that of him? To think that he would do anything that was less than what was good for her?

She was trash, her old sensei's words rang through-out her head. She was scum, and as the words played on a loop, she screamed again, falling to her knees.

She was the useless thing's in this world! She was the epitome of uselessness! She covered her mouth as a disgusting chocked sob racked her body, lurching her forward.

He had done everything in his power, and now he was dead!


He died! That attack was aimed straight at her heart! HE WAS DEAD!

She didn't even try to hold back her bile as it rose in her throat. The taste made her gag as everything came up. Everything.

And even when she could no longer get any stomach acid to come up, tears still streamed down her red checks. Eyes swollen she laid there.

The first question was, why did she even exist.

She didn't know the answer.

The second question was, why wouldn't she die yet?

The answer still would not come.

The third and final question, before she scummed to darkness was, what was the point of living anymore?

She knew the answer to this one. Oh so very clearly, and the clarity of it was not shocking in the slightest.

There was no point, and she knew that. So as her body hit the snow, the feeling of it scraping against her bare arms painfully, she closed her eyes.

She didn't try to conceal her warmth or try to even look alive.

Because she was dead, next to her pile of stomach contents, and what little blood had come from the clothes on her back.

This is where trash belongs.

She passed out before she saw the tall figure loom over her, his spiky orange hair a stark contrast to the whiteness that surrounded them. A smaller figure appeared next to him, cold eyes stared at the figure below them.

Death, he had always wondered, what was it like? It had always been an echoing thought that popped up every now and then.

He had always hoped that his death would be quick;possibly painless. But with the crass that he'd been handed in life it didn't seem like that was going to happen.

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