Chapter 1

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Dawn's POV


I cant believe it. Its 6:15 am. And its the first day of junior year of high school. I hate school. After what Antonio did to me when i left, what my friend decided to do with Antonio while i was away. Coming back from Holmes Chapel was the worst suprise ever. I honestly, just want to runaway and get the heck away from this place. But, i can't think about it right now. I need to get ready before dad comes barging in making me get up. 

I take a quick 10 minute show and i just sit there, in the cold water. It feels so relaxing. The water is where i can think. But sometimes, thinking about things is a bad idea. Once i think, i stress, once i stress, i get depressed, once that happens, i go back to my old friend. My razor blade. After im done with my shower, i rap that tiny towel around my skinny, tall body. I look at myself in the mirror. Ew. I decide to wear my ripped skinny jeans like always, with my grey ripped shirt, and of course, my converse. The girls at my school always tease me about wearing this kind of clothes. Why should they even care in the first place. Like for reals, if your not between a size 00-3, your dead. Thank god for my long legs. I'm hating every single moment of my life right now. Once i get to school, i find out which classes i have and with who. Blah. I finally done. I go downstairs and find my dad, in his usual happy mood, in his suit drinking his coffee. 

"hello love! Time to go school. You ready?"

"yes dad. lets go."

We get in the car and of course, i mess with his radio. I hate the music thats usually on the radio. You know, whats that girls name.. Ugh, yeah. Selena Gomez, and all that stuff. I turn on my usual playlist. With Ed sheeran and all those wonderful people of the indie rock generation. 

"Kay dawn. Have a nice day at school. DO NOT try to start a fight with those girls at school, there not worth your full attention. Love you."

"Kay dad, love you."

Its the time. where i find out what classes i am in and with who, the first person i see, are the populars. Antonio, my ex best friend Brittney, Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn. Ugh. The last person i wanted to see was Antonio. 

"hello, name please?"

"Dawn Montgomery."

"okay, you have AP english, AP chemistry, then PE, then AP history, then lunch, and then the rest. The board is over there if you want to know whos in your classes with you."

"Thank you."

I walked over to the board. Holy crap. All my classes are with.. the populars. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Joy. Oh my god, no. this can not be happening. The populars are walking in my direction. Of course, i walk the other way. I really can't believe i have no one. Brittney was my best friend. Three weeks in Florida with my aunt can change everything. Her .. making a baby with my boyfriend, well now ex, Antonio. I can't stand the thought of it. 

"Where do think your going Miss Montgomery?" said the principle

"To class. Bye"




LOVEEE EL xx <3  mwuah

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