Chapter 3

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Dawn's POV


I can't believe it. I promised my dad not to fight with anyone. And now i have detention. I swear, i hate my biology teacher, if she hadn't made me sit with Antonio and Harry, we wouldn't need to have that situation. My sarcasm isn't a choice for myslef. It just comes out. I don't even have to think about it. Now look where my big mouth and my sarcasm landed me. A slap by my teacher, and detention with now Antonio and Harry. That was the last thing i needed. To be in a room, alone, with them two. But of course, once someone treats me like crap, i need to stand up for myself, and that means with a person my age or a teacher. 

10 minutes later

School is finally done. I want to go home, like the rest of the people at my school, but i earned myself detention. I walk into the detention, aka, the library and take a seat. I can't believe it. I'm the only one on time. This is pathetic. 

15 minutes later

"Haha! Mate! Thats so rad. She must've loved it." i heard Harry say while walking into the library.

"Shut up you two. I do not want to even hear your voices right now." 

"Oh buzzkill, just enjoy your time hear with us two sexy boys. Any girl would kill to be in your postion" Harry said straight back at me. Uh. I hate him. 

"Well, any girl would love to get the heck out of here.  So both of you shouldn't flatter yourselves."

"Are you still mad at me Buzzkill? Common..It was an accident what happened between me and Brittney."

"Shut up Antonio. How is creating a fetus creature an accident. Common. I left for freakin 3 WEEKS! And you were still my boyfriend. Couldn't you at least keep your zipper up?.. Ha what do i mean. Of course you can't." 

"Common Dawn. It wasn't Antonio's fault, lighten up a little bit Buzzkill."

"HARRY. Do not even say that, how was it not Antonio's fault! HE CREATED A CHILD WITH MY BEST FRIEND. How can i just forgive him like that?! Screw you two. I'm leaving."

I need to get out. I run out of the library as fast as i can. I can't believe what just happened. I hate them, how can Harry say that. I loved Antonio. I trusted him, he seemed so loving to me. He protected me, from everyone. From those barbie dolls at school, from the trouble i would get in with people around me, everyone. But once i have family problems, and leave for 3 weeks to Florida, he could've at least called. Or texted me, Facetime me, or at least not do anything bad while i was gone. He had to get Brittney knocked up. She was my best friend. Ever since i met her in middle school. I was the loner, ever since i started going to school. No one liked me, no one. But once i met Brittney, i could finally trust someone. And then once it was time, time for high school, i was wishing to find the perfect guy, who would do all those traits that the perfect guy would do to his perfect girl. Antonio was my first boyfriend. Ever. He treated me like his princess. Like his future wife. I finally felt great once in my life. After my mother passed away when i was 13, i went into depression. I landed myself in the hospital 3 times already after just cutting myself. I cut myself on my stomach. Still do. I never want people to see where i cut. Too many questions would be asked. But once I cut too close to my belly button, the blood just kept on gushing, it couldn't stop. That's when i learned, cutting on my stomach was bad, now i just cut when i absolutely needed to. That moment was now. 

I can't believe i thought about all that while i was running. I ran 3 straight miles. I'm in the middle of nowhere. Wait.. No. I need to get out of here. Im not in the middle of nowhere. I'm here. I'm in the woods. Where Antonio and I escaped to if we ever needed to talk. I never noticed till right now that i've been crying. I never cried. But after what happened in the library, i felt like i needed to let it all out. All the pain that i've been storing inside me for too long. I needed my best friend. I need to go back home and get it. My razor blade. 

I run like bloody hell to my home. My dad wasn't home yet. That gave me time to myself. I run upstairs and slam the door. I go to my bathroom and look through all the cabinets. I couldn't find my best friend anywhere, where is it? I forgot where i put it. The last time i used it was.. was.. 2 years. Now, i remember. I thre-eww it away. I promised myself never to do it again. Well, everyone breaks promises. I need to go to the shop. The knife shop. I was able to control my emotions right now and calm down. To stop crying. I changed into a pair of baggy grey sweats, a Glamour Kills t-shirt, my boots, and hoodie. I need to go get a .. new best friend.

I go down stairs and leave. Ugh. The time i needed a car, i dont have one. Its pouring and i have to run to the shop. Common. I run like bloody hell through the streets. Until a voice stopped me. 

"Buzzkill. Are you running a marathon or what?" it was Harry. Harry Styles.

"Stop. Leave me alone and get out of my way. I'm trying to get somehwere."

"Somewhere more important than having a conversation with the Harry Styles? The hottest boy in Holmes Chapel?"

"Yes. Goodbye."

I try getting away from Harry but he won't let me. He just keeps on grabbing my arm and not letting go. 

"Get off of me Styles."

He pulls me by my waist and just looks at me with his huge emerald green eyes. Until he closes his eyes and slowly pushes his lips against mine. I felt fireworks going off in my tummy. Well, not literally. But.. i never felt this feeling before. He made me feel good physically. Dawn. Snap yourslef out of it. Don't think like that. I finally push him away. 

"Get off of me. Why did you just kiss me jerk?"  what am i saying. I'm leaving. I need my razor blade, like now. 

I didn't even wait for his answer, i didn't want to talk to him right now. I'm mad at him, how can he kiss me. I don't even want to worry about that. I finally got to my favorite store. The knife shop. 

"Hello little lady. Wow. I haven't seen you in.. 2 years? You stopped coming love."

"I know, i know, Martin. I missed it here. Umm, may i see the razor blade selection you have?"

"Yes miss. Right over here."

The razor blades made my eyes light up. I haven't seen one in such a long time. Ever since i was with Antonio, he made me feel so great, i eventually never had pain and so i never really thought about cutting and all this stuff. I had my eye on one. It was blue, and the blade was nice and silver. 

"Mr.Martin, i'll take this one. It's perfect."

"Okay miss, since you've shopped here many times, i'll give it to you as a gift."

"Aw, thanks so much sir. Very much. I'll come back soon, don't worry. Say Hi to your son and wife for me. Goodbye."




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