Chapter 4

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Dawn's POV


I finally ran home and stared at myself in the mirror with my new razor blade in my hand. I saw my mascara dripping off my face, and my eyes so red and puffy after all the sobbing. I was ready. My time to feel good. I gripped my friend even more and then i started moving it forward to my skin on my arm. I pushed it against and felt the pain. The pain also felt good, well not good, but relieving. I started having flashbacks of me doing this to myself over and over again when i was 13-15. I felt the blood dripping on the floor. I pushed the blade further into my skin. I finally took it out and felt the after pain. I did the same over and over again and left about 7 cuts on my arm. I finally felt better. I felt that all the pain ive stored in myself so long, was let out. The touch of my razor blade just made my world, my world of writing, music, my world inside me, felt better. I Let the blood dry. I let my cuts stop gushing for a while and just stared at myself in the mirror. How is it possible that one person, can make you feel this bad, but the person who made you feel bad, didn't feel a thing. At all. He had no emotions. How can he say that making a fetus child with my best friend, Brittney, be just some accident. How? I know. He's Antonio. Duh.

After a few more minutes of just standing in my bathroom, i decided to just go to bed. I am so tired of all the bs that happened today. With my biology teacher, Harry and .. him, detention, Harry outside the knife store. That kiss i shared with Harry.. i felt something i never felt before. It felt so good. The kiss i shared with him was so passionate, and i actually kissed back. But, i was so suprised, like why did he kiss me?! He hates me like everyone else at school. I don't even know how i am going to deal with the drama at school tomorrow. I just don't want to think about that right now, especially this moment. This was officially the worst first day of school.

3 hours later..

"I'm home love!" i heard my dad say screaming from the top of his lungs. I decided to go downstairs, but then noticed that i was covered in blood, so i changed into a new long sleeve shirt to cover up my cuts.

"Hey daddy. How was work?" i sounded like a 6 year old.. well i acted like one too.

"You know the construction buisness love.. especially a family one. Ugh, your uncles can be a pain at times, and those times are right now."

"Well they're your brothers, you'll eventually get over it daddy. You want me to make dinner tonight?"

"Well, i invited a customer over. Her family want us to pave her lot and the street outside his home. And it's a pretty dang big job for us, so i'm just going to pick up takeout. Like the fancy kind, her family is pretty rich."

"Ohhh! Rich family! Who?"

"Umm.. Styles residence? I think her son goes to your school love." Oh my godness. Did he just say ..Styles? As in.. Harry styles? You've got to be kidding me. I hate him, to death.

"Daddy.. Me and him don't get on very well, i guess you can put it in that way. Please.. How long are they going to be over?" Please, please lord jesus, or angels, or whatever, *i close my eyes and throw my hands in the air* don't let them stay long.

"Well, his mother and I need to discuss plans, so 4 hours at the least love. Plus.. i never actually told you. His mother and i .. this is our date."

"Dad, are you pranking me on some reality show, or are you being freaking serious?"

"I'm serious love. I wouldn't joke to you about this. Wash up, and change nicely. Like i said, his mother is very presentable, and i want you to be to." great, snobby rich Styles family is coming over to my home, and his mother is dating my father. Joy. I'm just locking myself in my room.

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