The Forest

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Hello there, traveler, are you lost? It appears you've found yourself victim to the wicked maze of this forest. With it's tall, thick trees, it is very beautiful in the daylight, but beware- once the night floods into these woods, you'll most likely find yourself dead before dawn. Only very experienced travelers are able to swiftly cross these  wretched woods, and stay wary, as you may not be the only thing lurking here... 

Scenario 1: You were collecting some herbs from the forest, as you required some for medical purposes. Though, it was nearing dusk. Figuring it was time to turn back, you came to realize you unfortunately lost your way to the grasp of this cursed forest. Once the grim hold of night arrived, you aimlessly wandered through the suffocating darkness of the woods, as the trees mostly prevented the moonlight from piercing through. You trip, as a twisted branch wedges it's way around your foot. You fall, hitting the ground harshly, your figure slamming into the cold, unforgiving forest floor. You hear a faint chuckle in the distance, as well as a shake of some leaves. Who is out there? You may be in danger... 

Scenario 2: You have traveled though this monstrous forest many times, as you've learned to memorize this maze from all your treks across these lands. It was dark, and you carred a dim lantern while brushing past a clump of stray branches. You pause, alert, as your eyes make out what you thought was a shadow to really be a stranger laying on the forest floor. You cautiously venture closer to this figure, and your eyes scan over the gushing of blood from their side. They were fatally injured. Do you bother to save them, or would you rather steal from their half-dead corpse in this dead of night? Their breathing is shallow, but still there. They are turning pale and cold, as every second their life falls closer to slipping away from them. Perhaps you have other plans for this stranger? Do they have a warrant for their arrest, or a bounty that you could collect? What do you do with this poor unfortunate soul? 

Scenario 3 (only available if you wish to rp with Charisse.): It was nearing dusk, the sun beginning to set among the rim of grand mountains in the horizon. You are passing through this forest- for whatever reason you have, and you hear the sound of running water, as you realize a waterfall is near by. Stepping closer towards the sound of the waterfall, you gaze at it behind a large cluster of trees. You seem to catch the glimpse of a pile of belongings, and you find that odd, how a heap of someone's things were just laying there.   Then, you shift your eyes, as you hear the water splashing in the lake. A woman emerges from the clear water, inhaling a sweet breath of air. She swims gracefully to the end of the lake, getting to her feet where it turned shallow enough. The waterline came up to her stomach, as you then realized that she is bare. The woman doesn't notice you watching from a distance, as she begins to wring out her long raven locks. 

Scenario 4: Make it up 

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