The Kingdom Jail

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Hello there! You've seem to have caught yourself in quite the pickle, huh? Well, currently you've somehow ended up in this Kingdoms dungeon! Did the fearless King Xavier Land punish you to live out the rest of your days in this wretched place, or are you a simple palace guard? 

Scenario 1: You've been locked up in a filthy cell for a few miserable days now, as you've committed some sort of heinous and treacherous crime. You were set in your own dirty cell, your wrists cuffed to the harsh stone wall of the prison. They have given you little food, as they mostly have thrown you stale, moldy bread. Along with the pitifully neglected food, you were able to hear the screams and cries for help as the palace guards tortured some few unfortunate souls. Suddenly, you hear the creak of the dungeon door as it is pushed open, the dim light flooding in. You squint your eyes as you try to come accustomed to the newfound light. Two palace guards held a cloaked figure tightly, shoving them along inside the dungeon. This mysterious stranger walked solemnly, their boot scuffing against the dirty ground. You watch the new prisoner from the corner of you cell, eager to know who this person was. The two guards harshly shoved them in an open cell, slamming the rusted door of the cell closed, locking it. You found it strange how the two guards didn't bother to chain the new prisoner, and you wondered who they were. Do you attempt to speak to the stranger in the cell across from yours, or do you keep to yourself? The guards left the dungeon, slamming the door shut behind them, leaving you and other hopeless prisoners in the dim light of a single pathetic candle. 

Scenario 2: There had been rumors of a grand threat that had been detained in the Castle dungeon, and your mind carried a thirst to know who this individual was. You were a castle guard, and you headed down the concrete steps leading down to the cellars, tugging open the heavy thick door of the dungeon. You took a sharp glance at the cells which lined the walls, stealing  a double take as you spotted another guard being grabbed by a prisoner. Hurriedly, you run over, getting a better view of the situation. A cloaked prisoner clutched the collar of the guard, attempting to choke him. You tug the fellow castle guard away, as they gasped for air. You turned your attention back to this prisoner, and realized they must've been the new threat you've been hearing so much  about. You unlock and enter their cell, slamming the door behind you. "Why aren't you restrained?" You growled at them. In the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of their shackles laying in a corner, slick with fresh blood. Quickly aiming your pointed look at their wrists, you saw that their hands were dripping, covered in blood. Giving an annoyed groan,  you noticed  how they cut up their wrists so much they were able to tug free of the chains. Do you chain them back up and allow for them to attempt to escape again? Do you let them be? This stranger intrigued you, as you wanted to know who they were. Will you perhaps stay and attempt to talk to them? They seemed entirely mysterious, as even the hood of their cloak hid their face. 

Scenario 3 (only available if you wish to rp with Charisse): You are a palace guard, working alone in the dungeon as you keep an eye on the vulgar criminals. Leaning against a blank stone wall in the poorly lit room, a piercing scream cuts through the restless silence of the dungeon, as you realize the other guards are torturing a prisoner. The door from the torture chamber creaks open after a few painstakingly long and weary hours, and you turn your head at the sound. Your eyes adjust around two guards escorting a small woman out, as they were basically dragging her along, her legs too weak to stand alone. Your eyes widened a smidge as you dreadfully noticed how she was dripping in her own blood, her clothes torn to shreds, and her hair matted with dirt and dried blood. Though, you didn't say anything, your eyes continues to roam over this woman. Her head hung low, as she was either not strong enough to lift her gaze up, or rather she was too ashamed. The two men took her deeper to the back of the dungeon, as you recalled the most wicked prisoners laid there, in order to be forgotten. Hesitantly, you asked if they needed some help, as you followed the two fellow guards to the back. The tallest guard had asked you to unlock one of the cells containing a handful of repulsive men, and you were baffled as to why. Nonetheless, you obeyed, your keys jingling on the metal ring which held them as you unlocked the cell. Unexpectedly, the other guard shoved the poor woman into the cell, and you winced when you heard the slam of her body hitting the concrete cell floor. She was basically clinging onto life, what were they doing to her? The men's eyes flickered up to the two other guards, as if asking a silent question. "The bitch is all yours, gentlemen." The tallest of the two guards snickered. "Lock up the cell." He told you plainly, and you timidly locked the cell up, trapping the woman in. She didn't move from where she was so carelessly tossed, the cuts on her body still gushing with blood. The moment the other two guards left the dungeon, the men inside the cell with her began to tear into her like a predator does his prey. You watched in silent horror as you witnessed the other prisoners muttering such vulgar thugs under their breath as they touched the young girl, groping her with their filthy hands. You were able to catch a few tears rolling down her face as she opened her mouth to plead or scream, but alas no sound escaped her lips. Do you save this poor unfortunate woman, or do you perceive her as a criminal- though you do not know her crime? Or perhaps you ignore this altogether and simply watch her suffer.

4: Make one up 

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