The new me

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     Hi, it's me, Maria. Yeah, the depressive girl. I returned after two years, and read everything I wrote. I decided that I want to continue my story. I want everybody to hear these things, to heal with me and to show that you can get through the challenges given by life.
    I've been through a lot, and it wasn't easy. Especially doing this alone. I want to be there for everyone who was or is in the same situations as I was, and help them. Nobody should go through these things alone. Mental health is a real problem, and of course, adults don't believe us, right? What's that, that you don't want to go to school , because you feel "depressed"? If nothing hurts you (physically) then you're fine to go. Is your mom saying that to you? Yes, she is. "Why are you sad? You have what to eat, where to sleep, you are not freezing outside like others do and you have everything that you need and that you don't need. Isn't that enough for you to be happy? What else do you need? This is just a phase, don't worry. When I was young, there wasn't such thing like 'depression' or 'anxiety' and I was happy and grateful for everything that I had." Well, to all the moms, let me tell you something. The things have changed since you were a teenager, we're living other times, so just understand your child and support them without saying all these dumb things. Just be there for them, even if you are not saying a word. Believe me, our generation has bigger problems than yours had, not financially, emotionally. And I think that you agree with me when I say that being emotionally destroyed, not being able to get out of bed , not eating all day and just not feeling like existing anymore it's a bigger problem that not having money.
     Mental illness is more dangerous than a headache or any other illness. Our parents don't get it and I think they never will. Just we know how we feel and just we can heal ourselves. It takes time. Patience. Effort. But it's not impossible.
    My question is, do you want to hear my story and heal with me?

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