The Beginning of It All

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3rd Person POV

   Before life as we know it, there lived a being named Devine. She is the mother of Void, most powerful divine being in the universe, and creator of all magic and powers. Before anyone was given their Domains, she ruled everything. One day she got tired of being lonely and decided to have a child. She created a little baby boy named Void. He was the first being in the universe to ever receive the gift of powers from the Divine Mother. She trained him and taught him everything he knows about anything. She was so tired from all the training and went into a deep sleep. Before she slept, she told her son to rule the universe while she was in her slumber. She told him to take care of everything and try to create things. 

   One day he decided that he wanted to follow in his mother's footsteps and create children. He created four children named God, Order, Chaos, and End. He gave each of them their own powers and domains. These were the first beings in the universe to be given domains. God being the oldest had the powers of all his siblings which included creation, love, destruction, order, and, every power of the void. His domains were everything. Order coming next had every power except love. She ruled over everything except the domain of love. Chaos being the 3rd had every power except love and order. His domains were everything except those that had to deal with love and order. End coming last had the power over destruction and the void. He ruled everything that dealt with destruction. Though they were different, together they kept the universe balanced. 

   One day Void was going to introduce himself to them but he decided to test them to see what they would do on their own. He combined himself with the void to perfectly hide from them in plain sight. One day God and Chaos decided they wanted to create areas of the universe that they could all dwell. Together they created different galaxies, stars, planets, and moons. They told Order and End that they may choose whatever galaxy they wanted to reign over, but they would live in Via Lactea (Milky Way). Together, God and Chaos had children which they named the Primordials. Their names were Gaia, Nyx, Eros, Aether, Chronos, Uranus, Ourea, Hemera, Pontus, Erebus, and Tartarus. Together they divided their powers among their children. 

   One day Gaia and Uranus had children the first set were the 100 handed ones, then the Cyclops, and lastly the Titans. Uranus was disgusted by the first two sets of children, so he threw them into Tartarus never to escape. The only ones that were left were the Titans. Gaia grew angry because she didn't want to see her children rot in Tartarus just because of their looks. She told the Titans that one of them needed to kill their father and free their brothers and sisters. The youngest of the Titans, Kronos, killed his father and took his place as king. From afar, God and Chaos looked at what had become of their beautiful world and were disgusted, but neither one of them wanted the other to interfere. Chaos then came up with the idea to create a law saying that no divine being shall interfere with their children's problems. God, not being able to look at what was going on decided to separate the rule of earth into separate pantheons. He created the Christian pantheon and created divine beings that are more powerful than the primordials, which he called angels. He created a place similar to the void and called it heaven. There he and his angels dwelled, protecting the earth from outside dangers. Chaos, on the other hand, created the Greek, Egyptian, Norse, and Supernatural pantheons. Her grandson Kronos had children with his sister Rhea which made up the Greek pantheon. Their children were called gods because they weren't as powerful as the Titans. 

   One day Kronos got a prophecy that his children will overthrow him, so he swallowed all but three of his kids. Poseidon the oldest, Hades, and Zeus the last child of Kronos escaped by their mother and trained until they would face the day that they would have a chance to kill their father. One day they hid as workers in their father's kingdom and tricked Kronos into throwing up his children. Once everyone was collected, they all fled to the highest mountain called Mount Olympus where they planned for a war. Little did everyone know, Mother Devine was watching everything and was disappointed with how her descendants were acting. She was really hurt at what here creation had become. It all started off with peace, harmony, and tranquility, but now it has turned into chaos literally. 

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