Drug lords (pt 2)

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Previously ...

Zayan-aint that's what we already did?
Lau-kinda,but not just no few weeks thing.
Lau-forgive me
Lau-imma wait in your room and bother you.
Zayan-no your not
Zayan-Lau if y(co) my god
I couldn't finish my sentence because he was already in my room laying on my bed.
Lau-can I fuck you and make you feel better?.....

3 weeks later
Zayan pov
3 weeks later and after Laurent little stunt he still continued to ignore me.Larry and Daydee haven't talked at all.These 3 weeks they've been to 9 clubs and didn't invited us only ,like always Paris and Keke.They take their pets every where they go.Let me shut up but anyways we have a mission today not to bad.Me,Paris,Keke,and Daydee have to go.They want us to steal their money's and "drugs"back from this dude names Pablo.I met him before and he's not no high drug dealer.He steal but we caught him. But this time we have to kill and steal the twins stuff back from him.Me and Daydee are in one car while Paris and Keke are in another behind us.About 15 mins later we pulled up into the twins drive way.All of them were here.

We all get out with our duffle bags and go to the front door.Paris was about to knock but I stepped in front of her and opened it.I wasn't in the mood so I wanted to hurry up and get this over with.I heard laughing coming from the kitchen so I went that way.

I heard laughing coming from the kitchen so I went that way

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When I walk in everyone goes silent and looks at me.Yes I had a attitude because eyez doesn't wanna be here.We set the duffle bags on the island and pull out guns and out outfits we will be wearing.I look up out of my bag and see Lau and Larry staring at me.

Wtf y'all muthafuckers looking at...is there something on my face?tf.

Another reason I'm mad is because I have anger issues and I didn't take my med's.I slam my hand on the counter and look back at them.Everyone jumps except Larry and Lau.

Lau-why you so mad for?
Zayan-because y'all wo-(co)
Daydee-she didn't take her medicine so this attitude is here for the whole day until she takes it.
Lau-why didn't you take your medicine?
Zayan-no no no I asked the question first why are y'all staring at meeeee?
Lau-well first you came in here with attitude talk giving is death stares and you not really wearing clothes.

I look down and I'm wearing a crop top that splits in the middle so it shows my boobies at the top and I'm wearing booty shorts.Woop d fucking do.
Zayan-SO!!Can I continue doing my work cause y'all really pissing me off.
Zayan-cause just looking at y'all pissed me off.
Zayan-cause I don't like y all
Paris-Lau shut the fuck up.Asking oh why don't you like me...nigga cause you always up Melvin and Catfish ass.When it comes to Zayan and Daydee you brush them to the side like they nun but when it come to your *air quotes* girlfriends you give them what ever they want.Question,was they their when them nigga tried to jump you and Larry at the dance off.No Day and Zay was they helped yall.These so call *air quotes* girlfriends of y all can't even stand they own ground like tf.And the fact that you didn't invite them to your birthday part,that's when I said enough was enough now you being petty.

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