Beating to suicide (pt3)

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Larry pov
I don't really love Mikey,she's just my pet i play with when i get bored.When she found out I was messing with this other chick I knew she would get mad or something in the way.She fucking broke shit that was in her room I payed for.I didn't have forced sex with her because I like playing with her.Yea I fucked her body up bad and I didn't mean for me to go that far.But I couldn't stop myself,beside her screaming my name besides in a sexual way,I like hearing her scream for help.I knew she was thinking pretty hard when I walked back from the bathroom,but about what.Idk but I'm taking her with me to LA so I can keep a close eye on her.And that bitch I fucked gonna be there.Thats gonna be fun.

Mikey pov
I woke up before the alarm went off.I basically have a clock built in my head so I wake up before my clock.I woke up depressed knowing this isn't gonna last long.I woke up with a sour mood,felt like crying,maybe even su-nvm.I got up about to grab my cloths and leave but was pulled back to the bed.I turned to see staring at me.
Larry-where you go?
Mikey-my room to get ready
Larry-why you not get ready in here?
Mikey-because I know you don't want me in here.
Larry-who said that?
Mikey-Larry I'm not dumb,you just wanted sex or what ever.Its cool imma just stick to the routine.You get mad,hit me,leave, fuck a bitch,come back and it starts over simple.
I got up and left before he couldn't say anything else.Its 7:30 but the flight leaves at 10:00.I first took a shower and just slipped on panties and a bra.I went to my closet and throw out my suit case cause I'm not in the mood of fucking going slow or dealing with it getting stuck or shit in the category.I pulled out 2 dresses,3 outfits,5 pair of shoes and my jewelry that my family brought me before I "vanished".I noticed it didn't all fit so I got frustrated and grabbed a duffle bag to put my panties,bras,jewelry,and hygiene stuff.I zipped it up and threw it on the bed.I then go in my closet and grab two bags of weed I had.Larry buys me it when I'm a "Good girl",which I always am he just gets mad for no reason.I forgot I couldn't bring it to the air port so I decided to grab some of it and a gar.I threw my suit case on the bed and sat at my makeup table.

I pulled my mini trash can by the table and unrolled the gar taking the tobacco out throwing it in the trash

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I pulled my mini trash can by the table and unrolled the gar taking the tobacco out throwing it in the trash.I took the weed out,breaking it up and spreading it on the gar.

I took the weed out,breaking it up and spreading it on the gar

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