Svetlana's Master

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Following her afternoon with the young artist Tsudros, Svetlana was escorted back to her simple living quarters to gather what simple belongings were hers. She would be reporting to the home of Murka the following morning, as a gift from the king. Zaria was not back to her own room yet as it would be late in the night when she would return.

Branka greeted Svetlana at the entryway to her room.

"My tattoo is lovely," she said, pulling her top off her shoulder to show Svetlana, as they approached a torch lighting the hallway. It was a graceful rendition of a nightingale in flight. The flesh around it, however, was it still red and swollen. "It hurts much now, but Tsudros told me to bath it only after a day to let it heal.

"He told me the same," Svetlana said. "Look at my beautiful humming bird! She exposed her entire chest to her friend, allowing the little creature's position to be known--just above the swelling of her full right breat.

"It's lovely too . . .and very sweet," Branka added "Just like Tsudros. I could see we all liked him . . . though not so much as Zaria did. Could you tell?"

"We should not worry about her," Branka said. "She will never be allowed to be with a man. And in the end . . . that will be her curse."

"Or maybe a blessing. Tell me Branka. You know I will be in the bed of this hero Murka very soon. I fear greatly what he will be like. How he will treat me. Please tell me . . . does it hurt greatly?"

"I can only speak for what I felt the night before. The way Sharvur handled me and took me for his pleasure. Maybe I was unlucky because he is a rough man. He was not careful with me. He seemed to enjoy that I was afraid. And that I would feel discomfort with the things he did to me."

Svetlana was for a moment silent. "Yes. But was there much pain when he. . ."

"Yes! That came with great pain. And there was blood. I can not say I will ever enjoy those things he did. Maybe we as women are not to enjoy any of that act which we were told can come with love. They tell us that someday we will. But I don't believe what the women from our village told us. I know now it will never be a joy, Svetlana. I can see it only hurting each time. And I will always dread those nights when Sharvur calls me to his bed."

Svetlana leaned over and put her hand on Branka's healthy shoulder. "It was only your first time. They say it is always the worst."

"Yes. . .but he took such delight in teasing me and making me feel pain. He did it is so many ways. I am too ashamed to tell you how."

Branka put her hand over her eyes to hide her tears of regret and anguish. It was too much for her, binging thoses feelings back to the surface.

"His excitement only increased with the fear he caused me. . . and the pain that came with it. Svetlana, you say Zaria is cursed to never be with a man . . . but I say she has been spared. Spared what I went through and what you will soon have to endure."

"Branka, you have given me such fear now. I must hope and believe that Murka might not be the monster Sharvur was with you in his bed. We are both young and can not say if all men are the same with these things. It is only certain to say that they all enjoy us in those ways. And never care about our feelings. I just hope and pray to the spirits of my ancestors that I do not have the same bad night you had as a first time with a man."

"Yes, Svetlana." She patted the hand on her shoulder in a sisterly way. "I, too, do not wish that for you."

The two girls embraced for a long moment. They were not certain how often, or if ever they would be able to see each other beyond that night. They sadly entered their respective rooms and awaited their evening meal. It would be like each other night, brought to them by the women who attended them.

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