Chapter 18: Deceit and Capture

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           We arrived at headquarters and I immediately got out of the car and tried to rush towards my room.

"Hey, Dylan. Slow down." John said from behind me.

"I can't. I am done losing people I love because of Sentinel Services. We need to take the fight to them. It's time they feel the fear we feel every day." I said storming up the stairs. John didn't approach me. He knew not to follow me.

I got up to my room and began breaking everything in my path. I was so frustrated and angry. Eventually, I heard someone knock on the doorway. I looked over and saw it was Lorna. I stopped my wave of destruction and just broke down. She entered the room and gave me a hug, comforting me. 

"I heard what happened. I'm not gonna ask you if you're ok. I know you're not. I just wanted to let you know that I'll be here for you. Whatever you need, don't hesitate to ask." She said still holding onto me. 

"Why me? Why does all this bad stuff happen to me." I asked knowing I sounded pathetic.

"I believe that life only gives us what we can handle." Lorna said comforting me. 

"You know, you're gonna be a great mother. Your baby is lucky to have you and Marcos." I said honestly. Lorna didn't answer. She just smiled. We stayed in the same position for a while until eventually, I drifted off to sleep.


"We need to go after the Trask lab now. We have to rescue those people." Esme, the new telepath said desperately at the meeting near the vault.

"Have to? You're pretty new here to be telling people what they have to do." Lorna said annoyed that Esme had the nerve to say they had to do something.

"You don't get it! My family is in there. They're running out of time." Esme said.

"Okay, well, slow down." Marcos said not wanting to get into something we couldn't win.

"You got all that information from the woman they sent after us?" John asked skeptically.

"Yes. I mean, her mind was hard to read. Confused. But I got enough. The mutants in that lab, they were desperate. I-I could hear the screams. I could see the bodies. I could feel the agony when they turned that woman into that thing. And it's all happening in that building." Esme said, but I got a weird feeling around Esme. She seemed to be emphasizing things that would make everyone angry. I crossed my arms and eyed Esme carefully.

"We know where this place is?" Clarice asked getting angry.

"I'm assembling a site map now." Sage said

"So why are we standing here?" Esme said impatiently.

"Did you get anything on their security?" Sonya asked logically.

"No. It Her mind was too cloudy, but what does it matter? We are the last hope those prisoners have." Esme said. "You saw what they did to your friend. We sit on our hands, and that happens to more people." Esme said to John making him feel guilty.

"This is not about Pulse. We will find a way to help everyone there. You don't need to convince us. We just need a plan where people don't die." I said making her back off.

"No one is sitting on their hands. Now, we will make a move on that lab, but if we go in blind we die." Marcos said.


I was trying to find John after the meeting with Esme. I found him in his bedroom working out his frustrations. I knocked on the doorway.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" I asked.

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