Nightlight, Choni

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TW: Death. Sadness. :(

Cheryl sat in a chair lounging near her pool, she was waiting for Toni, the two of them had agreed to have a day spent together with the very little free time they had. With school, homework, cheer practice and serpent duties it was hard to spent time with one another. However Cheryl grew more and more anxious by each second that passed, Toni, out of all the time in their relationship, was never late. That was Cheryl's job, definitely not Toni's. Two minutes became five, five becoming ten, eventually it was out of hand when she was thirty minutes late. Had something happened? Maybe traffic's bad? However how on earth could traffic be bad? They lived in a small town for goodness sake.

🎵"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like its better than yours, damn right it's better than yours, I could teach you but i need to cha-"🎵

The song snapped Cheryl from her overwhelming train of thoughts and she picked up her phone.

"Hello?"Cheryl asked, curious of who was ringing
"Hello ma'am, it seems you're Toni Topaz's emergency contact, she has been in a road accident, it is advised you come visit her"
"ok" she said, her voice trembiling, knees clattering and eyes tearing up the slightest.

But hope surged throughout her veins, this was Toni we're talking about? She was one of the toughest, no the toughest girl she'd ever met. No way in hell was she going to be hurt from a little accident.

And so she called for a cab and drove to the hospital.

~~~~~~~~~Time skip i guess~~~~~~~~~~

She re-adjusted her leather jacket, proudly showing off her serpent symbol.

-"Hi, im here to see my girlfriend Toni Topaz? Could you tell me her room number? Thank you" She flashed her white, toothy grin, not showing any signs of weakness.

-" Sure, room 6, block B," The woman typed on her computer, her fingers delicately tapping away at the keyboard.

And with that the red-head was on her way.

Her hand reached for the handle, when she hesitated, pulling away, her once positive mind being clouded with the darkest of thoughts, every inch was covered in what ifs?

What if she didn't want to see you? What if she's already dead? What if she's injured? What if she leaves you... just like Jason did..?

She shook her head, attempting to rid of the despairing, tyrannical, gloom-ridden thoughts. I mean, it didn't work but it was worth a try.

The door pushed open and she walked through, staring at her beloved with a penetrating gaze. Toni looked awful, her once bright eyes filled with courage were dull and bleak, various serrated scratches embedded in her smooth tan skin, painting out an un-organized pattern, band-aids laid upon deeper wounds. Her beauitful, abundant, colourful hair was now course and dishevelled. Her usual clothes were discarded of, she now resting in the uncomfortable, mandatory hospital gowns.

"Hey" Toni breathed out, her voice was coarse and scratchy unlike her once angelic voice that was smooth like silk, which could make Cheryl fall in love with her all over again.
"Hi babe... You.. you doing ok?" Cheryl said it in almost a whisper.
"im fine, i should be out soon"

"ok but you owe me a date"

They both laughed, until Toni unexpectedly errupted into a fit of coughs, the stitching on her waist ever so slightly coming undone, wincing in pain. Cheryl noticed, however that not being the only thing, she glanced at her heart monitor, the beats slowing down each tick of the clock.

"Are you ok!? Seriously let me call a doctor!"

" im fine really."

"You're not though." And with that she pressed the button. A nurse soon came rushing in, when she saw how low her heart rate was she called for help and soon enough a flood of doctors rushed in the same time Cheryl was pushed out and told to wait outside.

She waited for what felt like forever before many doctors walked out, the nurse coming up to her.

"Miss, Im incredibly sorry... but Toni Topaz... she.. she lost too much blood, theres not much time left, however you are free to visit her one last time."

Cheryl pushed past the nurse, walking to rhe bedside where her eyes locked with Toni's.

"Im sorry... i really am, we should be having fun at your pool right now... but i had to spoil it, ive spoiled everything, all because i didn't listen when you told me to buy a helmet.. im sorry."
"Its not your fault, you can't blame yourself."

Silence engulfed the room, a comfortable silence however, as the smitten couple gazed into each others eyes.

Until Cheryl spoke up.
"Are you scared... i mean.. of death..?"
"No.." Toni answered, her faced showed no emotion but a weak, fake smile plastered onto her face. However her eyes showed how scared she were. The pools of her eyes were contaminated with fear, with pain and sorrow, the honey brown eyes that shimmered and gleamed were full of heartbreak and wretchedness, of despair and anguish.

Toni spoke up again.
"I love you.."

"I love you too, so much" Cheryl replied pain and suffering in her voice.

Cheryl couldn't lose Toni. She was the first real person she was friends with. All the others from her cheer team only befriending her because of her appearance or popularity. She was the only person she had left in the lonely world. Her brother Jason left her, her mother and father, never loving a "deviant" child like her and well Nana Rose, wasn't close to her, Nana rose was also clinging onto the last thread of life with her old age. Toni was her nightlight, she guided her throughout the dark times when no one else could, Toni saved her and yet Cheryl couldn't repair the favor.

Warm tears ran down her pale, parchment skin as she held Toni's hand tightly in hers, any sparkle of hope had disappeared.

The monitor beeped, all it showed now was a flat line.

"Goodbye my little nightlight"

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