How you met

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Archie saw you cheering with the vixens and since that moment he fell hard for you. After the game he came up to you and asked you out.


Your first time in Pops and you didnt know what to get, that was until a handsome boy with the beanie reccommended milkshakes. After that you sat with him and he was immediately intrigued by you, from your good looks to your amazing personality. You two became fast friends.


After Southside High closed you were forced to go to Riverdale High, where you met the one and only Veronica Lodge. You were the first one to fall for her and luckily she accepted your invitation to Pop's.


You had always loved writing so when you moved to your new school and found out you could write for the Blue and Gold you were immediately over there. That was where you met the blonde beauty. You two became inseparable.

Sweet Pea:

You and Jug were best friends, when hanging out in his trailer one day, a certain serpent came in complaining about a problem at the whyte wyrm, but when he saw you he immediately forgot. Of course he attempted to flirt with you in which you kindly rejected his attempts. However the serpent intrigued you and you ended up hanging out a few times.


You were at the whyte wyrm keeping your best friend Toni company since she had a long shift. Later in the night she introduced you to Fangs and you two hit it off immediately. You became friends fast, in a very short time lovers.


You had been part of the welcome committee when Southside High closed. After Cheryl came insulting the serpents you stood up for them, after that Toni took an immediate liking to you, and not in a friend way.

You were knew to Riverdale High but immediately became the spotlight. You were the child of your parents who owned a very rich company, not to mention your good looks. ;) So Cheryl thought it was time to take matters into her own hands, however when she saw you her brain fumbled, you were flawless. She couldn't think of any insults nor could she bring herself to make any. So she did what her heart told her, immediately flirted with you and asked you out, which you accepted.


You had been a friend of Veronica's, from New York, when your parents decided it was time for a change. When Veronica saw you walk in, she screamed. Literally. She bolted to you and hugged you, then introduced you to her friends. You and Kevin had alot in common so you two became close friends quickly.

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