Painted Ink~Jarchie

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Au where soulmates have the same tattoo.
Also i chose a gardenia because it symbolizes (i think ) purity, sweetness, indicate secret love and convey joy. (If jughead and archie got together i could see them keeping it a secret soooo yeah)

Jughead often believed that he didn't have a soulmate, despite having a tattoo. He was just plain, old Jughead. Nothing special, it was incredibly hard for him to believe that he had a soulmate. It was hard for him to believe that anyone had a soulmate altogether. I mean, one person destined for you, perfect for you, made to be with you. Hard to believe. Theres always going to be someone better. Thats just a fact.

He was in the male's changing room alone. He always came in late after everyone else had left because of many reasons. Everyone was gone, so less likely to get tormented by Reggie and the others, no one could judge him, more time to think of excuses and most importantly no one would see his tattoo.

He pulled his shirt over his head, putting on the sports vest, he went to grab his cuff bracelet to cover his tattoo.


He was pushed against the lockers by none other than the devil himself, Reggie Mantle.

"Hey Wednesday Addams! What the fuck are you doing in here so late? Tryna avoid me huh!?? Punk!!"

"Fuck off Reggie"

Next think Jughead knew a thick,crimson substance oozed from his nose. Reggie's fist smashed into Jug's several times before-

Someone pulled him off, disconnecting Reggie's bloodied fist from Jughead's red-stained face. Warm blood rushed from the open wounds, in which the raven -haired male pressed his weakened hands against them, attempting to stop the flow of red fluid. He lay there, face emotionless and difficult to read, his swollen eyes barely open. Jughead saw a blur of ginger before smiling, immediately recognizing who it was.

Archie held out a hand which Jughead took, Archie pulling up Jugheads weak form.

"Man... this looks serious... we should go to the school nur-"
"I can't have my dad find out about this. Ever. "
The red-head let out a beaten sigh.

"Fine. But atleast let me take you to my house and patch you up there."


~~~~ Time skip~~~~

Jughead sat on a stool in the ginger's kitchen, whilst Archie frantically dashed to a cabinet, desperately looking for a first aid box. Once found, he made his way over to the frail boy that sat in his kitchen. Archie's eyes focused on his figure. God he looked terrible Archie thought. His pink lips mangled, his nose clearly broken, his pale face was drained of colour, the only colour there was the scarlet sap that had been painted on by Reggie's consumptive, lethiferous hands. His eyes were both consumed by a ring of black and blue, it was hard to see but his dull, blue eyes threatened tears. In this time Archie acted unusual, Jughead was confused to why though. After cleaning up Jughead decided to ask.

"What's up Arch?" He sighed, wincing from his torn lip.

"Nothing.. nothing" He muttered lowly.

"Just tell me dude"


"Arch, you can tell me anything"


"Dude?? Archie just tell me."

"Its your fricking tattoo ok??!!!"

Jughead was taken back at the boy's aggression, but he glaced to his tattoos, then to the ginger's.

Silence engulfed the room, it swallowed it like a monster with it's prey.

The two's eyes locked, the silence was akward, Jughead's eyes flickered away and he averted his gaze.

"well.. uh.. hello soulmate.."
He said, a small, shy smile forming on his face.

"uh.. hi"

Archie walked over.

"I um.. how do you feel...?-about me being your soulmate?.."

"Im fine with it, i mean i have had a bit of a crush on you for a while now so yeah im fine with it." A smirk appeared on his face, he had no idea where this confidence was coming from but he didn't care.

Archie grabbed his collar and pulled him in, the kiss didn't last long since Jug's busted lip, but it felt like forever to the two of them. It was soft and loving. Jughead felt like he finally had a home.

"I love you bro. all the homo man."
Jughead laughed at this,
"I love you too... All the homo. "

And so, the two continued with their lives, each day brighter than the last thanks to their soulmate.

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