Chapter Six (Gerard)

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Gerard hadn't expected to be alive. Sure, he believed in miracles but the fact that he had a stranger attempting to comfort him while he was still alive and breathing was defenatly a miracle. Coughing, Gerard's throat filled with pain and he found himself squirming uncomfortably while he tried lesson the pain his coughs were causing.

The voice in a way sounded familiar. But Gerard knew he's never heard it in his entire life. Whimpering fearfully, Gerard snuggled to the warmth beside him. He was afraid. Sure, he had been afraid not that long ago but he wasn't sure of what was happening which made him even more frightened now.

He heard a lot of voices and knew he recognized some of them but he was too busy trying to cough up whatever tickled his throat to care. Crying out, he grasped the nearest thing to him; clenching it in his fists while his heart hammered against his chest. For a moment, he couldn't breathe. Not again, Gerard thought. He couldn't be dying again.

Opening his eyes, he immediately began to claw at his throat for a second time, feeling something wrapping around it tighter and squeezing the air from his lungs. "Nothing's there Gee, nothing's there. You're okay." But he wasn't okay. He can feel it. He was desperately trying to pull the mask away. Screaming, Gerard fought against the hands that pulled his away from his throat. "He's going to hurt himself! Help me!" And Gerard froze.

"Mikey?" He gasped. Blinking up, his eyes met with those of someone he had presumed dead. He was suddenly able to breathe again as he stared at his concerned brother. "Mikey."

"It's me, Gee." Mikey assured him. Gerard didn't know how to respond. What was he supposed to say to his brother he thought to be dead, anyways? "Hi." Oh. Gerard thought. I guess that works.

"You're going to be okay." Mikey told him, making him chuckle. Gerard didn't know why, he just found it hilarious-more funny than it should've been. His laughter bubbled up and he ended up coughing and laughing all at once while Mikey gave him a concerned look.

"Are you...Feeling alright?" Gerard shook his head and grabbed a hold of Mikey's shoulder to pull himself into a seating position. "I'm okay. It's just, I'm the older brother and I'm supposed to be..." He trailed off, his gaze meeting those hazel eyes of the boy who had been the cause of his near-death.

The boy too, froze at the sight of Gerard. "Oh. Sorry. That's Frank and the guy with the afro is Ray." Mikey introduced them as. Gerard covered his mouth to cough again and nodded. "Gerard." He said. "Gerard Way. I'm Mikey's brother and the guy who choked himself with a mask but it's to be expected because I haven't wore a mask until then and am very stupid." Gerard rambled, causing Frank to smile.

"Like, I'm sure I did everything right because fedora over there showed me how but I think it malfunctioned or something because it broke on me and I didn't really push that guy he bumped into me but I got scared so I said I accidentally bumped into him when I didn't actually-"

"Gee." Mikey interrupted. "I think they get it." But Gerard was nervous and when he was nervous he rambled so even though he told himself to stop talking, he kept going.

"I was trying to get it off and I made it worse for myself which I promise wasn't what I planned but fedora man forgot to tell me how to take a mask off and I got really scared so I was pulling it down instead of up and everything just hurt and went dark but at least I got a brother out of almost dying."

"Gerard." Pete interrupted. "Fuck. You need to shut up. For a man who almost died you're talking way too much." Gerard, noticing his rambles, closed his mouth and chewed on his lip. "I'm sorry." "No," Frank said. "It's alright." And God, when Frank said that Gerard actually believed it would honestly be all fucking right.

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