Chapter Thirty Three (Frank)

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Frank couldn't just throw Ryan Ross out of the house. Sure, he was somewhat odd and maybe a little flirtatious, but he had given them guns and well, he's done nothing to make Frank not trust him. Plus, Frank had already noticed the way Pete blushed and acted awkward so he couldn't just turn the man away when his best friend was clearly crushing on him. Though in all honesty, Frank didn't know why. Sure, Ryan was hot, but he flirted with everyone he saw. Except for Frank and Gerard of course

And if Frank did catch the man flirting with Gerard, then there were defenatly going to be some problems. It wasn't as if Frank were the jealous type-but Gerard was his. In no way was anyone going to touch-let alone flirt with a man that belonged to Frank. And God forbid if Gerard were to flirt back.

Frank shook the thought from his head. He knew Gerard would be loyal. The man after all, had accepted his apology. But Frank still couldn't be too careful. His relationship with Gerard was rocky enough-Ryan wasn't going to do anything ruin it.

"Are you alright darling? Cat got your tongue?" Ryan teased Pete from the other room. Frank shook his head, biting back whatever smart comment he wanted to make. Stupid. He thought. Of Pete to fall for that man.

"They're not that bad together. I mean, they are like the same person...Except," Gerard added while sending a look to the living room. "Ryan flirts more." "Yeah, and if he says anything to you; tell me because I'll defenatly kick his ass." Frank threatened, causing an adorable smirk to tug at Gerard's lips. The same lips, Frank reminded himself. That he had kissed earlier.

"Don't worry about me, Frankie. No amount of flirting will take me away from you." He gave Frank a small peck on the lips, causing Frank's face to heat up. Of course Frank had to get embaressed over the dumbest things. He was supposed to be the man in this relationship; like, why is he blushing over a fucking kiss?

"Ryan strikes me as a...What's the word?" Gerard asked. "Player?" Frank offered. "Yes. That. I doubt he'd be with Pete long so we don't have that much to worry about; though I am concerned since this is the first time I've seen Pete so lovestruck over someone he's barely known."

Frank nodded, keeping an eye on the teapot. "Yeah. I mean, he's swooned over plenty of guys but right now he's just a mess." "Like you when you saw me...Oh don't give me that look, Frankie. You were just as bad as him. You could barely form a coherent sentance when you were near me."

Frank pretended to ignore Gerard. Mainly because he was right and also because it embaressed Frank to think about how awkward he had once been with the beautiful man.

"Aw, is Frankie embarrassed?" Gerard teased, elbowing Frank playfully. "No, Gerard." Frank mumbled as the teapot released a loud screech. "Your red face says otherwise." "My face is red because of the steam." "That sounds like a lame excuse, now doesn't it?" "Can you not flirt with me when I'm pouring a kettle full of boiling water?" "I think flirting with you is fine as long as you're not holding a gun." "Me holding this is probably worse than a gun, just saying. At least I can control a gun." "Well to me it seems like you can't."

Frank yelped, dropping the entire teapot onto the ground as Gerard touched his shoulder, causing boiling water to splash everywhere-mainly on him as he-without thinking, pushed Gerard away. "Gerard fucking Way!" He hissed in pain. "Fuck! Why the hell are you laughing!?"

"You-You dropped it." Was all Gerard managed to say through his laughter while Frank batted at his clothes like they were on fire. "You two okay?" Mikey asked as he poked his head in the kitchen. "I got boiling hot water everywhere. So no. I'm not okay." "Oh. Fun. Was the teapot too heavy for you?" "Mikeyway you have five seconds to leave this room or I will-oh that hurts!"

"Maybe you should run it under water." Mikey suggested with a smile. "The water went through every article of clothing I have." "And?" "Including my underwear." Mikey held back his laugh for almost a minute, but broke down in giggles soon after.

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