Chapter Twenty Three (Frank)

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"He should be back. He should've came back by now." Frank said as he turned towards Pete; who had been watching him pace for almost an hour straight. "You need to calm yourself Frankie. Gerard probably went somewhere to settle himself down. He'll come back after he thinks things through." Pete responded, sounding too sure of himself for Frank's liking.

"Yes, but Gerard doesn't just-fuck. I made him mad. Gerard doesn't get mad. Why the fuck was I such an ass? He's probably sitting alone and sobbing because I-" "Frank, what were you two arguing about anyways?" Patrick interrupted as he leaned against the doorway casually. "Not to intrude, but like you said: Gerard's not a person who just stomps out over nothing."

Frank averted his gaze from the three men; as Ray was poking his head behind Patrick's shoulder, which he really didn't need to do since Patrick was just as short as Frank-but still. "It's...It was really nothing. He just, it's stupid." Frank said, making a quick excuse so he wouldn't have to tell Pete what Gerard had said. "It clearly wasn't nothing or stupid if it caused him to leave the house-without a mask." Ray pointed out.

Frank chewed his lip for a moment, choosing to keep his gaze on his chipped finger nails. "He made a comment and I told him he needed to stop acting up because of Mikey." He admitted while running a hand through his hair. "And we got into an argument and he just kinda left."

"Dick move, Frank." "You don't think I know this!? He probably hates me right now! God, I'm such an asshole." Frank muttered with a sigh. He threw his body back against the bed he had somehow ended up on and stared up at the ceiling sadly. "Don't worry about it. All couples get in disputes once in a while. Gerard will be back and you two will kiss and make up-or, whatever." Ray tried to assure him. "Ray. I just basically told my boyfriend to get over his missing brother. What are we going to do, hug and pretend it never happened?" He shot sarcastically.

"Actually, I'd prefer things a little more-" "Shut the hell up, Pete." "What?" He asked innocently. "I was just going to suggest you to allow him to punch you in the face and call it good." Frank raised an eyebrow.

"And kiss him because, why fucking not?" Frank groaned at Pete's childish behavior and threw a pillow at his face. Pete easily dodged it while Patrick took the pillow to the chest. "Ow?" He said in a questioning manner as he watched what Frank had used as a weapon flop to the floor. "I'm...Was that supposed to hurt me?" "No, it was supposed to hurt Pete but the bastard can't stay still."

Frank glanced at the brightening sky with a sinking feeling in his chest. "He's been gone the entire night." He whispered. "And he'll be back soon. You need to stop worrying." Pete repeated as he threw a pillow over Frank's face and held it down.

Frank just allowed his friend to suffocate him while he went over thousands of reasons why he should go searching for Gerard-and most of them told him he better start the search now before he dies over lack of oxygen. Frank only had to give Pete a small shove for the man to fall backwards and roll off the bed.

"Im going to look for Gerard." Frank announced as he stepped over Pete; who had landed both dramatically and as Pete himself would say fabulously, on the floor. Frank shook his head at the thought and squeezed past Ray and Patrick. Both of which, didn't protest. Instead Ray choosing to bounce up a little, his hair bobbing along with him. "Can I come with you!?" He asked in his usual upbeat tone. "No." Frank stated bluntly, causing Ray to put on a frown. "Oh. Okay."

Frank smiled apologetically and grabbed his gas mask from the floor. For a mask worth more than the apartment building they lived in, Frank certainly treated it like shit. "It's nothing against you; I just need to talk to Gerard one on one, you know?" Frank said as to make Ray feel better. He already ruined his relationship with Gee-he couldn't hurt Ray next.

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