Chapter 1-2 Daily life

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Last time on Danganronpa: Death Despair
We heard a laugh.


"Puhuhu!" A voice echoed through the gymnasium. "W-what was t-that...?" Saika asked scared, and hugging Kalisa. "I don't know!!" Alexandra asked. Alexandra seemed scared, un-normal, she was always happy, but I never seen her like this before.. suddenly, we saw a black-and-white bear come down a chute. It was black on the right, white on the left, and it had a red eye on the right. "Who are you!? Tell us now!!" Lucindi yelled at the bear. Lucindi's tone seemed mad. "Who I am? Why I am Monokuma!" The bear said, as it's name is 'Monokuma'. "T-tell us why here please!" Miokio said very kindly and still in fear. "Why your here?" Monokuma questioned. "To participate in a killing game of course!" Monokuma said. When Monokuma said that we had to participate in a killing game, we were shocked hearing that. "The rules are simple! Murder one of your classmates, and get away with it! Easy!" Monokuma said. When we all heard 'murder one of your classmates', we all felt despair. Monokuma left, going through a door.


"Were not gonna kill eachother!! Right? I promise you all that I'll get us out of here!" I said. "Yeah watever. Enough of your sappy talk, bitch." Lucindi said harshly to me. "H-huh?" I said. "..." Lucindi didn't reply and she walked out of the gymnasium. Later on, everyone left except Me, Leo, & Miokio. "Don't worry Clover.. we're sure you'll get everyone out of here.." Leo and Miokio said together. "You know I'll be trying my best.." I replied. I waked out of the gymnasium. As I was walking, I noticed a hallway and I walked through it, it was a short walk, but I saw doors. I opened them and saw 23 doors with pixelated pictures of us. I saw my dorm beside Leo's. I sighed. 'Does anyone actually ship me and Leo?' I thought. As I entered my dorm, I saw it was green. I sighed again putting my backpack on my bed, taking off my shoes, and putting them against the wall. I lied down on my bed. My backpack on the top right corner of my bed. I noticed it was noon. 'Maybe I should hang out with someone.. I feel lonely.. my parents might miss me..' I thought sadly. A frown plastered on my face. 'Yeah..' I thought again. Possibly everyone brought there PJs here just incase. I went into the bathroom. I showered. When I was done showering, I put on my PJs that I brought into the bathroom. My PJs were Monomi PJs. My PJ shirt had Monomi's face on it with her colour palette. I did bring two PJs. The one I'm wearing right now, which is obviously a Monomi one, and the second one was a Shirokuma one. I know Monomi and Shirokuma were both girls. I brushed my Clover-green hair. Then as I know, I put a Shirokuma and Monomi pin in my hair. I also did bring in stuff from my house that would make me feel like I'm at home. 'OK...' I thought. 'Time to go talk to some people.'

Free Time Activated

Wooooooo! I finally did chapter 2! Comment on the 3 people you want Clover to have free time with! Peace guys!

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