Chapter 1-6 Deadly Life - Class Trial pt. 2 Scrum debate

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(Leo's POV)

"Oh, I know where this is going! It's time for a Scrum debate!!" Monokuma said happily. Suddenly, our podiums moved and were lined up together across from eachother.

Clover didn't kill Talica!! (Clover, Leo, Miokio, Kyocera, Kibba, Aerial, Kylie, Kyeko, Mia & Alexandra.)

Clover did kill Talica!! (Kioshi, Saika, Kailsa, Kaisha, Kailua, Kim, Lite, Sylve, Lucia & Lucindi.)

Scrum debate start!

"What if Clover hid the katanta in her bag!?" (Lucindi)


"All I had in my bag was my PSVita and a game!!" (Clover)

"But, what if Clover found the katanta and killed Talica by suprise?" (Kailua)

Kill Talica by suprise
"Leo!" I got this!

"Clover never had a katanta. Because we never found one. That's why Clover couldn't kill Talica by suprise." (Leo)

"But how are you not sure she killed her!?" (Kaisha)


"Me and Leo were with Clover the whole time!! So I'm sure Clover didn't kill Talica!!" (Miokio)

"But do you clearly know if Clover killed Talica?" (Sylve)

Clearly know

"I clearly know that Clover didn't kill Talica." (Kyocera)

"Buuuut, you weren't there when the body descovery announcement was on!" (Lucia)
Body decovery announcement

"And you weren't there either when the body decovery announcement played either."

"But you weren't there either. So, do you have any evidence that Clover killed Talica?" (Kioshi)


"If blood counts as evidence, and Clover doesn't have any on her, than there's no way Clover killed Talica!!" (Aerial)

Could still kill Talica

"Even though Clover could still kill Talica, it doesn't mean she killed her!!" (Kyeko)

"But she still killed her, no matter what!!" (Lite)

No matter what

"If Clover killed Talica no matter what... then she couldn't have done it! Cause she didn't!!" (Mia)

"But even then!! She did it no matter what!!"

Did it

"But Clover couldn't have did it!! She is innocent, no matter what!!"

(Blue defeats red)

"THIS IS OUR ANSWER!!" (Clover, Leo, Miokio, Kyocera, Kibba, Aerial, Kylie, Kyeko, Mia & Alexandra)


To be continued...

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