[Opening Act] : The Prologue

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The sunrise beams through my window into my face waking me up. I woke up to my cell phone going off. Someone was calling me? I sat up slowly to answer the call.

"Hello?" I speak up half asleep.

"Did you not set your alarm for school today? You're going to be late if you don't get up and around." Tyson answers back in question.

I take a took at the time seeing its 7:35am and school starts up at 8 as my mother told me as I Got back home.

"Shit! Sorry! I'm up.. I'll be out in a five minutes!" I freak out.

"I'm outside waiting with the others. We've been waiting for a half hour now. Hurry up Prince." Tyson mocks me with my ridiculed nick name.

I hang up and jump into a quick shower with a uniform to change into. For my first day back to my senior year and being its been four years since I've been home.. this had to be the day I didn't wake up accordingly. I stand in the mirror and get dressed making sure my outfit is well fitted. I was told I make the school uniform look flashy, but I disagree on that statement. I send a text to Tyson I'm on my way out while grabbing my bag out the door.

I walk out to see Him along my other childhood buddies Marcus, Jason, Austin, Conner and Matt. They left the passenger seat open for me as I ran around to hop in and we headed off.

"So the Prince is back. You doing alright Winter?" Matt asks me tapping my shoulder from behind my seat.

"Being gone for four years isn't so subtle, but I'm glad to be back. Nothing else I can really say." I mutter back quietly.

"Don't sweat it man. We're happier now that you are back. Its been a drag since your parents shipped you to that institute. Can't say I blame them." Marcus Comments in a mellow tone in the way back of the van with Jason next to him.

"I don't say I blame them either. I was a danger to myself as I was to others yet you guys still stuck around." I reply back looking back.

"We look out for you bro. We know how much of a cynical bust you really are. As long as we stick together this year everything should be fine." Jason cuts in after Marcus.

"Hey Tyson You ever figure out a club to get into yet?" Austin toys with Tyson as he swerved a bit.

"For the last fucking time! NO! Shut up about it!" He yells back startling me waking my happy ass awake.

"Okay I'm awake!" I shook my head in awe.

"Say Winter though we're really the only company you have during the day.. Have you thought about joining a club of interest? Tyson here is being a sour puss and is missing out." Conner Austin's twin brother speaks to me about the topic.

"I didn't know our school district held clubs to be in? I thought only Colleges in the area did that." I said back clueless

"I guess that's a no then. Oh well you probably wouldn't join one either from how your intentions are with how you tend to act unpredictably. Added with that you're more of a loner without us." He sits back remembering the type of guy I am or well used to be.

"I'm pretty sure my mother is going to force me to find one this week... She is the principle after all. I can't disappoint her." I wave my hands around in disgust.

"We're here. Hey Winter try to take it easy while being back. If anyone bothers you let us deal with it. We don't want you getting detentions or a possibly suspension on your first week back. That would piss your mother off in a heartbeat." He perks his vehicle as we all get out.

"Can't make any promises, but I Appreciate you guys for putting up with me or tolerating me at least. I have to go to the office to get my schedule. Either of you want to join? I haven't been around the high school to know where anything is. I only know from the middle school..." I slam the door shut.

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