[Act 3] : Blowing off Steam

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I throw my bag into one of the lockers next to my group's stuff to make sure I know where its at. I head into the workout room to get the class period started.

"Hey Winter think you can squat this? Its 100lbs of weights on both sides. We've been taking turns seeing how many we can do altogether. We were surprised Jason was able to do 7 before he stopped. The smallest of the group isn't so weak after all." Marcus called me over.

"At the institute They allowed me to have a work out area in my "containment cell" as they called. This is my currently limit right now. Who did what so far?" I ask the group as I set myself up under the bar to stand up with the weights as him and Conner were on the other ends for support with Tyson watching behind.

"I haven't done this in a while. I managed to get fifteen before I couldn't do anymore. Marcus and Conner capped at thirteen, Matt did ten and as you herd Jason only did seven. Let's see what you got." Tyson goes over the count with everyone.

At the institute for stress relief I used their available workout equipment for hours at a time each day to keep in shape since I'm bored easily. I started off doing twenty five lbs on each set then moved up twenty five more each the first six months till I reached my cap at one hundred lbs currently. Last time I did squats like this I did thirty with security help of course. I wanted to feel the burn in my legs for how numb I feel. Worked out well in the end. That's exactly what My goal was.

A few minutes pass as I squared pasted everyone as I remembered then with the guards I worked out with. I broke my record after feeling the burn at forty squats not realizing how many I was doing as Tyson kept count as I lost count. I stood up straight after my bunch and put the bar in place stretching afterward.

"Damn man..." Tyson was actually speechless of me for once.

"I worked out a lot while I was gone. I'm used to this weight cap. I broke my record doing ten more than the last time I did this. Want me for anything else?" I ask before I go off to bench some weights with another student.

"No not really. Go ahead and do your think man. Jesus he did forty squats with one hundred lbs like a cake walk. He wasn't joking when he says he is a body building or acts like he isn't." Jason commented at as I went over with someone else and benched fifty pounds for now.

"Has anyone noticed how he's changed lately? He's like a caged animal as my eyes can see. Holds more energy in him as extra strength to go off of if he needs it." Matt noticed being perceptive over my atheism benching counting to ten already.

"If he's getting his tension out that's all that matters. Remember we know him as a softy. Let's keep it that way. Don't run your mouth at him. Last time you did you received a broken jaw.. Remember?" Conner reminded him.

"I was in the hospital for the first month of our summer that year I was dealing with a concussion too." Matt sighs and shivers from remembering that time then.

"I bet this is one of the reasons Cassie can't keep her hands off him. Granted ex's come back with a fifty/fifty chance and she hasn't left him alone after he left her five years ago." Marcus Speaks of them.

Jason jumps into the bar to do pull ups. Matt did the same on another empty equipment set as the guys talked amongst themselves.

"Speaking of that What exactly happened for him to just walk away like he did? I was last to hear about their break up dilemma. I should've herd it from him, but instead I got the spiff from her instead." Tyson walks up to do arm crunches with the dumbbell weights on the stack by the door to stay busy.

"I guess it was a complicated relationship they were in. Whatever The Prince did she would object or get upset over. She wanted to "wear the pants" of their time together. She is manipulative enough she tried controlling him around. Eventually he got fed up with her shit and dropped her. In front of everyone as they were talking about something that started an argument. Pfft hell if I remember that. I was with him as it all happened. He just brushed her off afterward. I don't blame him." Conner spoke as he did body crunches with Marcus's help holding his feet down.

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