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Playtime woke up at 6:00 am and got ready. She was very excited and her parents were too. Playtime brought her jump rope, too. (Well duh, it's an important part of her character..)  She skipped over her jump rope all the way to school. Then Playtime saw someone walking towards the same school. It was..you.. Playtime tilted her head and followed you since she didn't know the way. She should've walked with her parents.

Playtime sat in a random chair. She looked around the strange school. Then, a tall, lean, and bald man walked into the classroom. (Fun fact: Lean means thin or skinny, if u didn't know that. :3)
He had an emerald green shirt, dark blue jeans, and brown shoes. His lips were bright red, looking like he had applied lip-stick. Playtime giggled a little. 'That must be Baldi..' she thought. For some reason, "Baldi" carried a ruler. He smiled, looking very friendly.. but looks can be very deceiving...

"Hello everyone, my name is Mister Baldi. I would like to introduce a new student who has just transferred here. Say hello to Samantha!" You looked scared, which confused Playtime. The whole class looked at Playtime. Especially at her creepy dark black eyes. "My name is.. Samantha and you can call me Playtime.. I'm open to making new friends and I just settled in my house.. I just.. moved... yesterday..." Playtime say, passively. "Now everyone pull out your Math books!" Mister Baldi said. Playtime looked around. Her dark black eyes curiously traveled around th he classroom. She saw a broom in the corner of the room, probably used by the janitors. She saw a rather chubby bow who wore a blue and orange hoodie. She saw you. You were wearing a (F/C Favorite color) hoodie. You had soft (H/C hair color) looks. You were reading a book. Playtime looked at what seemed to be a.. sock puppet? Playtime just assumed it was a strange kid in a costume. Baldi's chalk scrapes on the chalk-board. Playtime covered her ears. "What's 6 x 3?" Baldi asked. "18." You said. Baldi slapped his ruler on his hand. "No shouting out loud! Hey, actually.. I have a new device that can help you guys learn better.. Y/N.. Playtime.. after school you guys should test it out." His frown turned into a smile. You looked scared while annoyed. Playtime smiled eagerly. "Sure!" Baldi winked at Playtime before returning to asking and writing math questions on the board. Playtime knew that this would be awesome.

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