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Playtime was excited, very excited after school. Playtime's parents agreed to let her go back to the school-house. Playtime packed some snacks just in case she got hungry. She also brought her jump rope if she had got bored. At school you and Playtime became friends. She seemed annoying to everyone else but not you. Playtime held your hand as you both walked toward the school. "I'm very excited!" Playtime said. You were surprised at Playtime's incredibly weird voice. Even though you had talked to her like, all day. You sighed. You knew that Baldi wasn't what he seemed. You tried to get Playtime to walk away with you, but she would not listen. "Playtime, let's go." You would say. Trying to warn her. But it seemed as Baldi has brainwashed her into thinking he was nice.

"Well.. I suppose if you want to go.. I mean.. my friend wants me to pick up his books anyways.." You said. "Why?" Playtime asked. "EAtIng PRactICe." You replied. (Let's just leave it at that.)

Playtime skipped over her jump rope. The doors shut behind you guys. "Creepy.." You whispered. You looked out the window and Playtime looked out the window also, copying your pose. Then as soon as you guys turned around, Baldi was there. "I-I.. h-h-.." You looked at him, confused and creeped out. You only turned around for about a second. Baldi smiled. Playtime ran up and hugged him. "Hi Mr. Baldi!" He hugged her back for a moment. "So, I see you guys are here to test out the new 'You can think pad ™'? You two are right on time." He said. "Uh. Yeah." You said. You knew that you had to escape the schoolhouse.

Playtime walked around. She skipped over her jump rope and looked around. "This'll be easy." She said. "Well we have to get my friend's notebooks and test it out.. it seems pretty easy." You said. You both walked around the early halls. You heard whistling as you walked around. Playtime went into a different direction than you. "Yeah.. very easy.." You said, worried.

Let's Play!|Playtime's Origins, BBIEAL|Where stories live. Discover now