The first impression

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It's September 11th the school period and also a new life has started for Debby , even though she was meant to be with Angie in the same school.But they didn't lose their bond though,since they didn't distance one from each other.
So Debby was going to her new school  without knowing what ar maybe we should say WHO was waiting for her .
While she was going to the school yard to meet some new friends the bell rang . It was then that the headmaster appeared and ordered to form lines of three , seperately boys from girls. So Debby lined randomly with two other girls since at that assembly the headmaster told them that they would pronounce a name. If that name was hers she would go to pick her books . As she expected she went first, because of her surname.
After that she went to her classroom to see what she should bring with her the following day . So she went to her classroom and sat next to a girl called Tati. Then she browsed around at the people in the class when she...
...Saw a person who caught her eye. All Debby wanted was to find information about him. So she asked Tati,and she said that his name was Chris and that he liked to play basketball. After that Debby told Tati to keep it secret that she liked him. Tati reassured her that she had nothing to be afraid of.
Luckily the day passed quickly  and she left the school and went to her house happy that she was in another school.

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