The confession

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We are in the middle of the school year . After that day when the singing audition occurred  Debby felt a lot better and was in the mood to sing.
It wasn't only that Debby wanted to show that she cares about Chris but that she really loved him.
It was time for Literature and Debby was concentrated on the passage because she liked the topic when...
...another teacher came to class to announce that the next Friday they were going to the Botanic Gardens. Everyone was very excited because they were going to miss seven hours of school lessons . The bell rang and everyone left happy.
The next day everyone in class was discussing with whom they were going to sit next to on the bus. Debby didn't think of it much because all of her friends were already going to sit with their besties so she was going to be alone on the bus .
The teacher came inside  the classroom and  so the lesson started. When the day passed everyone left looking forward to that day .
So the days passed quickly waiting for their first school trip.
They all gathered as usual in the classroom to make sure that everyone was there and after all of that was assured they went  to the school buses.
As Debby expected she was alone on the bus but she was okay with her music playing  so loudly that she couldn't hear a thing.
When they reach their destination the headmaster told them to all gather  in the same spot at quarter to twelve .
They were having such a great time when.. Debby thought that she should tell Chris how she felt for him so she called him alone so that they could speak privately. Debby asked him if he wanted to go out with her. He refused and left. Debby was sad until she remembered that they had to gather all in the same spot. She went there and then all together on to the buses, and then they all left...

The handsome and the tomboy(Part One)Where stories live. Discover now