Chapter 21

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Sunlight beamed through the black sequin curtains, shining in my eyes, disturbing my beauty sleep.

I felt like I was on cloud nine with a smile plastered on my face when my mind drifted to last nights events with Damon.

I don't know what happened to the Damon I first met but he was nowhere to be found.

The Damon I first met was so closed off, rude and with a huge ego. He still is egotistical but he is a guy so.

I chuckle to myself

He seems to smile more, laugh and I feel like I'm getting to know the real Damon with his guard down.

I want to be the one he trusts because I would never intentionally hurt him. He must've been hurt before to be so reticent.

The real him seems to be locked behind a closed door, barricaded with wood and locks. You can't simply break it down, you have to find the key to unlock it.

I plan to find that key

I looked over to see an empty bed which didn't surprise me, I mean this is Damon we are talking about. He probably moved back to his room.

I yawned and stretched like a dysfunctional worm, rolling out of bed feeling the cold floors had me running to grab fuzzy socks.

They had panda's on them!!! I mean who doesn't love those lovable fluffy bears?

My phone starts ringing on the side of my bed, so I walked over to answer.

Noah's name popped up onto the screen.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey! I miss you guys when are you coming back." He said in a little kids voice

"I've missed you too and In about two days we will be back." I chuckled

"So um," Noah said sounding weird

"Noah, what's wrong?" I asked starting to get worried

"I need to like ask you for a favor."

"What is it?" I questioned.

"I was wondering if we could like end the whole fake dating thing." He chuckled awkwardly

Honestly, I forgot about it up until he said something.

"First tell me why?" Don't judge me I'm curious as to why he wants to

"Please don't make me tell you, you'll tell Damon." He whined

"What! No, I won't." I yelled

"Fine but if you do I'm going to kill you." He threatened to cause me to laugh

"I promise now tell me!" I whined

"I met someone." He said causing me to gasp and drop the phone. I started squealing. I picked it up and put it to my ear

"WHAT! WHO!!" I squealed

"I'll show you her when you get home, I got to go thanks best friend." He rushed out and hangs up.

I looked at the phone to see if he really hung up on me and he sure did.

So I guess no more cover-up, how should I tell the news?

I decided on a plan and ran down the stairs and realized no one was in there so I ran to the kitchen.

"I have no longer have a 'boyfriend' Lexi!" I yelled but froze when I only saw Damon in the kitchen making pancakes and bacon.

"Oh." I chuckled standing there awkwardly.

"You weren't meant to hear that," I said to him while he is still staring at with a lopsided smile.

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